Closed ops4j-issues closed 16 years ago
David Leangen created PAXCONSTRUCT-83
When compiling a package with no imports, and when just using the default values, the build produces a warning:
Warning building bundle net.leangen.expedition.useradmin:expedition_useradmin_si:bundle:0.1.1-SNAPSHOT : Did not find matching referal for *
Is this really necessary?
Votes: 0, Watches: 0
David Leangen commented
This is a felix project. Doh!
David Leangen created PAXCONSTRUCT-83
When compiling a package with no imports, and when just using the default values, the build produces a warning:
Warning building bundle net.leangen.expedition.useradmin:expedition_useradmin_si:bundle:0.1.1-SNAPSHOT : Did not find matching referal for *
Is this really necessary?
Votes: 0, Watches: 0