ops4j / org.ops4j.pax.scanner

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New scanner: maven (scan-maven:) (Mercury based) [PAXSCANNER-2] #4

Open ops4j-issues opened 15 years ago

ops4j-issues commented 15 years ago

Alin Dreghiciu created PAXSCANNER-2

Implement a new scanner that is able to scan maven artifacts and install them as bundles. This should be able to install the main artifact (if not a pom?) all dependencies or transitive dependencies.

To implement this we should use Mercury: in its Maven 3.0 effort the Maven guys have rewritten the artifact resolution as a separated component that will evolve in the future to support osgi.

We shoudl support two types of provisioning specs:
1. scan-maven:g:a[:v][:t][:c]
where the group/artifact/version/type/classifier are specified, and eventual some otions like @noDependencies and @noTransitive
2. scan-maven:<url>
where url is an url to a file (xml?) that can specify the g:a[:v][:t][:c] and exclusions ala maven and if dependencies/transitive dependencies should be scanned.

If this is down we may deprecate the scan-pom: scanner.

Mercury related:

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ops4j-issues commented 15 years ago

Alin Dreghiciu commented

Almost there (implementing it) but cannot continue as version 1.0-alpha-5 has inconsistencies between versions. To use the dependency processors it must depend on maven-mercury 3.0-SNAPSHOT which depends on mercury 1.0.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT which has a different API.
So, wait...

ops4j-issues commented 15 years ago

Anders Storsveen commented

What is the timeframe on this?

ops4j-issues commented 15 years ago

Alin Dreghiciu commented

I already have a prototype working. The "problem" is that Maven guys did not yet released a "good" mercury version. The one that I use is a snapshot.
So unfortunately we have to wait for it.

ops4j-issues commented 14 years ago

Reto Bachmann-Gm゚r commented

I found that dependencies containing variables as <version>$


</version> in do not work using the current pom-scanner, I assume this will be fixed by this issue.

ops4j-issues commented 14 years ago

Vincent Massol commented

Hi Alin,

I was also researching this and the latest news I got was:

I'm very interested in seeing this implemented in PAX Runner when it's out.

Keep the excellent work you're doing and thanks for all!