ops4j / org.ops4j.pax.web

OSGi R7 Http Service, Whiteboard and Web Applications (OSGi CMPN Release chapters 102, 140 and 128) implementation using Jetty 9, Tomcat 9 or Undertow 2.
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GPL dependency? #1699

Open niclash opened 2 years ago

niclash commented 2 years ago

I tried out Debricked analysis tool with OPS4J as a trial to see what comes out of it.


Shows that it found GPL and LGPL (various versions of both) in the dependency chain "somehow". Not sure how to go looking for that, but thought I should let you guys know.

grgrzybek commented 2 years ago

I can't login to debricked.com... And yes, I believe mysql driver (in pax.jdbc) is GPL that's why it got separate features file...

I'm not sure about pax.web - could you somehow attach the report here?

niclash commented 2 years ago

Don't you simply get a "Login with GitHub" button and that brings you to the page above? That is at least intended. image

grgrzybek commented 2 years ago

@niclash I simply didn't check ;) I'll check on Monday.

niclash commented 2 years ago


niclash commented 2 years ago

image image

niclash commented 2 years ago

F! The above report is for all of OPS4J... Grrr...

niclash commented 2 years ago

image image

These are for Pax Web

grgrzybek commented 2 years ago

I found this for example: https://debricked.com/app/en/dependency/11673?repositoryId=25903 it's about test-scoped dependency org.glassfish.hk2:osgi-resource-locator... Not sure what should I do about it.

grgrzybek commented 2 years ago

4 GPL deps total in Pax Web: https://debricked.com/app/en/repository/25903?tab=3&search=GPL-2.0 jakarta.ws.rs has (in POM):

            <name>EPL 2.0</name>
            <name>GPL2 w/ CPE</name>

so probably dual license. Same for jaspic API (jakarta.security.auth.message):

            <name>EPL 2.0</name>
            <name>GPL2 w/ CPE</name>

Even if the report says "GPL-2.0"...

grgrzybek commented 9 months ago

@niclash hi, any idea how to proceed with this one?

mattrpav commented 9 months ago

Enhancement request with debricked to support CPE reporting?