Closed ops4j-issues closed 11 years ago
Serge Huber commented
According to the plugin documentation it should be still doing that, is it not the case ?
Also when upgrading to Jetty 9 we should upgrade the dependency.jetty.version value to make sure it uses the latest version of the plugin.
Best regards,
Serge Huber.
Achim Nierbeck commented
We have to differentiate.
One thing is the actual pre-compilation and second is the usage of the pre-compiled JSPs in pax-web.
For the second we need to switch to the now different way of providing pre-compiled JSPs and tbh it's quite a hassle.
Now for the precompilation it look a lot like I'm in need of using another JSPC plugin since the one used in the past doesn't play nicely with the way the now tomcat based jasper works.
I'm still experimenting but it looks a lot like I need to switch to another JSPC plugin.
Serge Huber commented
You are right even I'm getting confused.
Since we are using Tomcat Jasper to compile, we need a precompiler that uses the same version of Jasper.
It seems this one supports pluggeable implementations of the compiler :
Otherwise another solution would be to call the Ant JspC task using the Maven Ant plugin.
Best regards,
Serge Huber.
Achim Nierbeck commented
yep, got it working now.
Only the Karaf-Itests fail right now, due to some strange issue with the JDT.
Hopefully will push shortly...
Serge Huber commented
Very nice thanks for all the work !
What's the issue with the Karaf itest ?
Best regards,
Serge Huber.
Achim Nierbeck commented
I'm down to
Manifest not present in the first entry of the zip
which I'm working around with a wrap: url-handler :/
After that it seems to work, now it's just some more minor dependency stuff.
I'm sure I'm gonna push soon ...
Achim Nierbeck commented
Fixed in Branch:
Branch: refs/heads/PAXWEB-304
Commit: 330acea7232cf255bca24971c974f2fcd0fecb95
Date: 2013-05-10 (Fri, 10 May 2013)
leaving it open till it's merged to trunk!
Serge Huber commented
Ok is there anything to do before the merge to trunk ?
Achim Nierbeck commented
Nope, just merging ... and testing.
Serge Huber commented
Once the merging is done I'll try to find some time to test it here. Thanks for all the hard work.
Achim Nierbeck commented
Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 9b744db273fb59668d65bbff42a854f4284d9202
Date: 2013-03-18 (Mon, 18 Mar 2013)
merged to master branch
Serge Huber commented
Did a quick compilation check here and I can validate that all tests are working.
Achim Nierbeck commented
Unfortunately the equinox itests failed,
just seen it. Should have checked it before.
Achim Nierbeck commented
now it should also work with equinox.
Achim Nierbeck created PAXWEB-304
Affects: 3.0.0.M1, 3.0.0.M2, 3.0.0.M3 Fixed in: 4.0.0 Attachments:
Votes: 1, Watches: 2
Referenced issues
relates to:
832 - Support Jetty 9.0 [PAXWEB-520]