ops4j / org.ops4j.pax.web

OSGi R7 Http Service, Whiteboard and Web Applications (OSGi CMPN Release chapters 102, 140 and 128) implementation using Jetty 9, Tomcat 9 or Undertow 2.
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Support JSF 2.1 [PAXWEB-614] #918

Closed ops4j-issues closed 10 years ago

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Harald Wellmann created PAXWEB-614

JSF WABs using tag libraries from other bundles do not currently work out of the box.

See e.g. WarJSFPrimefacesIntegrationTest.

(The test misleadingly passes, but in fact it only checks that <p:panelGrid> gets rendered verbatim instead of being processed by PrimeFaces.)

In particular, the following JSF 2.1 and Servlet 3.0 requirements do not work at the moment:

Affects: 3.0.2 Fixed in: 3.0.3, 4.0.0 Votes: 0, Watches: 4

Referenced issues


ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Harald Wellmann commented

I've locally tried a number of different approaches to make things work, and the PrimeFaces sample now runs successfully. Some of my changes are rather brute force and not ready to be comitted, but maybe they can give us some ideas how to solve this issue properly.

Summary of changes:

All of this is based on the 3.0.x branch.

Open questions:

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Christoph Läubrich commented

> How to avoid tying a WAB to a given JSF implementation
Why must the WAB import the JSF implementation? That does not sounds "right". If it useses direct classe of the JSF impl by name than it is tied to this anyways...

> This classloader ... ensures that META-INF resources ... This is not yet sufficient
If you want to get resources From bundles you shoudl always use the Bundle#findEntries methods and not the classloader. This prevents you from finding resource you are not exspecting (e.g. from required bundles!) and this also works even if the bundle is just installed.

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Achim Nierbeck commented

Hi thanks for finding :smile:, JSF has been a real PITA right from the beginning so I'm not really surprised that it doesn't work again.

Here some thoughts regarding your questions:

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Harald Wellmann commented

Achim, thanks for your feedback! I've created a new branch PAXWEB-614 from master, adapted my changes to 4.x and pushed them, just to get this started. (BTW, I'll be on vacation and off-line for a week...)

I noticed that setting init parameters like javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES to bundleresource: URLs does not work in vanilla Jetty and seems to depend on PAXWEB-314 . Maybe we can find a better approach.

For loading resources from META-INF/resources in other JARs, vanilla Jetty does not mess with the classloader but creates a ResourceCollection used as base resource in the ServletContext. Maybe this approach can be adapted for Pax Web and tweaked to also cover other META-INF stuff like config files.

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Achim Nierbeck commented

I've finally had a chance to check your changes. +1 for them. :smile:

I can see that the bundleresource: URL isn't optimal, I like that idea of a specialized ResourceCollection for using this.

regarding Versions, I tend to just use it for the 4.0, since it's been quite a hassle with maintaining lots of the different versions available.

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Achim Nierbeck commented

just as a note:
I just ran some tests with the PAXWEB-123 branch (doesn't contain these changes yet) and JSF worked like a charm, so you must have hit a "corner" case with this. Or be affected by something that troubled me now for more then a week, some tests when run with Pax-Exam-Karaf fail but work if you use it directly in Karaf without any stack traces.

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Harald Wellmann commented

Well, I didn't say JSFdidn't work at all... Things are fine as long as all JSF resources are in your WAB.

But when you start working with component libraries in separate bundles, these components or tags are not rendered correctly. I wouldn't call that a corner case - most JSF applications use a component library like PrimeFaces, RichFaces, ICEFaces etc.

pax-shiro-faces is a small but instructive example. See FacesBundleTest vs. Jetty9FacesBundleTest in https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.shiro/tree/master/itest/itest-osgi/src/test/java/org/ops4j/pax/shiro/itest/osgi

FacesBundleTest uses Pax Web 3.0.2 and has a failing test (marked as @Ignore).

Jetty 9 in OSGi mode (without Pax Web) does not work out of the box either, but I added a small boot fragment which solves the issue - see Jetty9FacesBundleTest.

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Achim Nierbeck commented

It works for "std" jsp taglibs though, so it's more an issue of how JSF uses them ...
I'm with you that we need to improve this, and better in Pax-Web then in Jetty :grinning:

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Harald Wellmann commented

What exactly do you mean by "standard JSP taglibs"? I'm mainly concerned with Facelet taglibs and XHTML views. JSP views are deprecated in JSF 2.1.

If you mean the JSTL tags from the http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core namespace or other namespaces defined by the JSF spec, then the point is that these tags do not come from a separate bundle but are part of the JSF implementation (at least with MyFaces, I didn't check Mojarra). This explains why these tags work out of the box, coming from the same bundle classloader.

Tags from any other bundle (i.e. neither from the JSF implementation nor from the web application bundle) don't work, i.e. they get rendered verbatim.

E.g. in my shiro tests, the rendered HTML contains tags like <shiro:guest>, when the tag is really expected not to show up, but to hide or display its body content, depending on the current user.

ops4j-issues commented 11 years ago

Achim Nierbeck commented

yeah, call me "old-school" :smile: though a std. JSP without JSF extras does work and the taglib "crawler" which scans through all connected bundles does provide them.
This did work for PAXWEB-314 and to my knowledge it still does.
Does your test work with the 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT ( PAXWEB-614 branch)?

ops4j-issues commented 10 years ago

Achim Nierbeck commented

fix for trunk

Branch: refs/heads/master
Home: https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.web
Commit: 1e0c019a72733d9d4d8321f9d54c69d47d116ff2
Date: 2013-10-29 (Tue, 29 Oct 2013)

ops4j-issues commented 10 years ago

Achim Nierbeck commented

Branch: refs/heads/pax-web-3.0.x
Home: https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.web
Commit: 771a23f7fca62e47d1c947ca6407d52ab629b0a8
Date: 2013-11-01 (Fri, 01 Nov 2013)

ops4j-issues commented 10 years ago

Achim Nierbeck commented

Merged the PAXWEB-614 branch to master and 3.0.x

ops4j-issues commented 10 years ago

Guillaume Nodet commented

Note that the OSGi/WAB spec is quite clear and I think the current pax-web implementation does not follow the spec.
It seems to me that the spec, paragraph 128.3.7 says that TLDs can only discovered in the bundle class space, so scanning all transitively wired bundles for tld seems wrong (though I fully understand the idea beneath).