opserver / Opserver

Stack Exchange's Monitoring System
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Build server error (AppVeyor) #327

Closed itssimple closed 5 years ago

itssimple commented 5 years ago


We're trying to automate upgrades of Opserver while still retaining our configs.

So I made a batch-script that clones the master-branch. It's supposed to do a nuget restore / dotnet restore and then build it and deploy to a temporary directory.

But I get a strange error about Dapper that I cannot quite figure out what I've done wrong with.

Here's the log from the script: https://paste.fuelrats.com/ohotazadol.txt

And here's the actual script that I'm using: https://paste.fuelrats.com/bokayeneku.bat

When I run the script from my own command line, everything works. msbuild runs fine, and deploy works. But when I'm running this in our AppVeyor instance (where our dev-computers are part of the cloud), I get this error.

NickCraver commented 5 years ago

Some SDK behavior here has changed - can you try running a dotnet restore in the root before building? or a msbuild /t:Restore?

itssimple commented 5 years ago

That worked wonders! Thanks. So neither dotnet restore or nuget restore worked, but the msbuild /t:Restore did the trick!