opsgenie-lamp createSchedule - Creates a schedule on Opsgenie
opsgenie-lamp createSchedule [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--name value, -n value Name of the schedule to be created
--description value Description of the schedule to be created
--tz value Timezone for the schedule
--team value Name of the team under which the schedule is
--enabled Enable the created schedule
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: getSchedule
opsgenie-lamp getSchedule - Gets a schedule's content from Opsgenie
opsgenie-lamp getSchedule [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: listSchedules
opsgenie-lamp listSchedules - List schedules in Opsgenie
opsgenie-lamp listSchedules [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--expand Get more detailed response by expanding it
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: updateSchedule
opsgenie-lamp updateSchedule - Updates a schedule on Opsgenie
opsgenie-lamp updateSchedule [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--name value Name of the schedule
--description value Description of the schedule to be created
--tz value Timezone for the schedule
--team value Name of the team under which the schedule is
--enabled Enable the schedule
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: deleteSchedule
opsgenie-lamp deleteSchedule - Delete a schedule's content from Opsgenie
opsgenie-lamp deleteSchedule [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: getScheduleTimeline
opsgenie-lamp getScheduleTimeline - Get the timeline of the given schedule
opsgenie-lamp getScheduleTimeline [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--interval value Length of time as integer in intervalUnits
--intervalUnit value Unit of the time to retrieve the timeline. Possible values: days, weeks and months
--expand value Get a detailed response. Possible values: base, forwarding, override
--date value Time (in ISO8601) to return future date on-call participants. Default is now
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: createScheduleRotation
opsgenie-lamp createScheduleRotation - List the rotations for a schedule
opsgenie-lamp createScheduleRotation [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--startDate value Schedule Start Date in ISO8601 format
--endDate value Schedule End Date in ISO8601 format
--type value Type of rotation. Available values: daily, weekly and hourly
--name value Name of the rotation
--participants value A comma separated list of participants. Example: user:<user-email>, team:<team-name>, none
--length value Length of the rotation. Default: 1
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: listScheduleRotations
opsgenie-lamp listScheduleRotations - List the rotations for a schedule
opsgenie-lamp listScheduleRotations [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: deleteScheduleRotation
opsgenie-lamp deleteScheduleRotation - Delete a rotation from the schedule
opsgenie-lamp deleteScheduleRotation [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--rotation-id value ID of the rotation
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: createScheduleOverride
opsgenie-lamp createScheduleOverride - Create a schedule override
opsgenie-lamp createScheduleOverride [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--alias value Alias of the schedule override
--startDate value Schedule override Start Date in ISO8601 format
--endDate value Schedule override End Date in ISO8601 format
--responder value Responder type and name. Examples: user:<user-email>, team:<team-name>, escalation:<escalation-name>
--rotations value Comma separated list of rotation ids
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: listScheduleOverrides
opsgenie-lamp listScheduleOverrides - List the overrides for a schedule
opsgenie-lamp listScheduleOverrides [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: getScheduleOverride
opsgenie-lamp getScheduleOverride - Get details for a schedule override
opsgenie-lamp getScheduleOverride [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--alias value Alias of the schedule override
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output
Command: deleteScheduleOverride
opsgenie-lamp deleteScheduleOverride - Delet a schedule override.
opsgenie-lamp deleteScheduleOverride [command options] [arguments...]
-v Execute commands in verbose mode
--apiKey value API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
--user value Owner of the execution
--config value Configuration file path
--id value ID of the schedule
--identifier value Identifier type of the specified schedule id, which can be id, name. Default value = id
--alias value Alias of the schedule override
--output-format value Prints the output in json or yaml formats (default: "json")
--pretty For more readable JSON output