opsgenie / terraform-provider-opsgenie

Terraform OpsGenie provider
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Cannot add escalation participant for opsgenie_schedule_rotation #193

Open sixstr opened 3 years ago

sixstr commented 3 years ago

Docs says i'm should be able to https://registry.terraform.io/providers/opsgenie/opsgenie/latest/docs/resources/schedule_rotation#participant

Terraform Version

% terraform -v
Terraform v0.13.5
+ provider registry.terraform.io/opsgenie/opsgenie v0.5.1

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

resource "opsgenie_schedule_rotation" "Day" {
  length      = 1
  name        = "Day"
  schedule_id = opsgenie_schedule.some_schedule.id
  start_date  = "2017-10-25T07:00:00Z"
  type        = "daily"

  participant {
    id   = opsgenie_escalation.some_escalation.id
    type = "escalation"

  time_restriction {
    type = "time-of-day"

    restriction {
      end_hour   = 22
      end_min    = 0
      start_hour = 10
      start_min  = 0

Actual Behavior

Error: Participant type should be one of these: 'User', 'Team'

  on schedules.tf line 13, in resource "opsgenie_schedule_rotation" "Day":
  13: resource "opsgenie_schedule_rotation" "Day" {
ffahri commented 3 years ago

Thanks for raising this issue its coming from go-sdk will create issue there also