opsway / magento2-module-amazonses

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Magento 2.2 Compatibility #10

Open ryantfowler opened 6 years ago

ryantfowler commented 6 years ago

M2.2 introduced \Magento\Email\Model\Transport whereas the current version of this extension has a di preference for \Magento\Framework\Mail\Transport. A quick-n-dirty fix is to change this for the di.xml preference ... but this breaks backwards compatibility. I suppose either rewriting some of the module to instead implement a Plugin which targets the \Magento\Framework\Mail\TransportInterface or something similar is in order to attempt to keep backwards compatibility ... unless the maintainer(s) would like to create a new release that supports M2.2.x?

In case there are no objections for supporting 2.2 moving forward, there's this PR

sandip5678 commented 6 years ago

Used for M2.2 but not showing headers in the email original message