Open Binishatk opened 5 years ago
Please Suggest a Solution to integrate Paytm in Raect Antive app
I also getting the same error.
I am also facing the same issue. Did anyone get any solution?
i was also facing that issue and i found solution Please check steps and parameters of generate checksum how to generate checksum and same parameters pass with Paytm.startPayment
you must generate checksum with same params as on server like if you dont send mobile or email on server then you must not send mobile and email on your client app. thats how it works i myself faced this problem while integrating. and please confirm them params keys in server side from paytm. I think they have typos in their docs. here is an example in php server side
$params = [
'MID' => <your merchant id>,
'ORDER_ID' => $data['order_id'],
'CUST_ID' => <customer id>,
'INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID' => <industrytype>,
'CHANNEL_ID' => <channel>,
'TXN_AMOUNT' => ''.$data['amount'], //has to be string
'WEBSITE' => <website>',
'CALLBACK_URL'=> "".$data['order_id'],
$merchantKey = <Your merchant key>;
$checkSum = getChecksumFromArray($params, $merchantKey);
return $checkSum;
No payment option. How to solve?
Hii @arshidkv12 i am getting OOPS page error after checksum verifies successfully you have any idea about these issue ?
Here is My Code and Response. const details = { mode: "Staging", MID: "AstraD64640279792570", INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID: "Retail", WEBSITE: "APPSTAGING", CHANNEL_ID: "WAP", TXN_AMOUNT:
, ORDER_ID: "ORD9QS65GSCUIEUTZE", EMAIL: "", MOBILE_NO: "7777777777", CUST_ID: "2894", CHECKSUMHASH: "tCgrIZXf3yBoOuzEjrazWYqqK5tWGjAJKTuGjybStOBzzsDLb8Wxj6+e1SZj7Jq1AuIaqJlfuaG8sU3CwkPyT1XXw/msPfsO+4jcH0oALS8=", CALLBACK_URL:""} Paytm.startPayment(details)
response: "{"ORDERID":"ORD9QS65GSCUIEUTZE", "MID":"AstraD64640279792570", "TXNAMOUNT":"1.00", "CURRENCY":"INR", "STATUS":"TXN_FAILURE", "RESPCODE":"330", "RESPMSG":"Invalid checksum", "BANKTXNID":""}" status: "Success"