optikalefx / OpenJS-Grid

OpenJS Grid is the easiest jQuery Grid ever. With very little work you can have a data grid that can do everything from sorting and searching to complex database queries. Best of all, its open source. So you can learn how it's all done.
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JOIN/CONCAT troubles #33

Closed trcharlie closed 11 years ago

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

As I am not a professional programmer I have some troubles using this awesome grid. Specifically I have two seperate issues although they might have the same solution:

First one: Two tables, first is projects, second is user. In the users table name and surname are in seperate columns. in projects there is a column uid for linking with the users table. I watched all videos, read many (solved) issues but wasnt able to create a working code.

This is what i created so far in the ajax.php:

$mysqlhost="localhost"; // MySQL-Host angeben
$mysqluser="wawi"; // MySQL-User angeben
$mysqlpwd="XXXi"; // Passwort angeben
$mysqldb="wawi"; // Gewuenschte Datenbank angeben
$connection=mysql_connect($mysqlhost, $mysqluser, $mysqlpwd) or die("Verbindungsversuch fehlgeschlagen");
mysql_select_db($mysqldb, $connection) or die("Konnte die Datenbank nicht waehlen.");
// require our class

// load our grid with a table
$grid = new Grid("projekte", array(
        "LEFT JOIN user ON (projekte.uid=user.id)"
//when doing joins the fields need to be labled and changed to the required filed from the join to show in grid
            "select" => 'selectFunction'

function selectFunction($grid) {

    $selects = array();

    // category select
   $grid->table = "user";
   $grid->fields = array("fullName"=>"CONCAT(prename,' ',surname)");
    $selects["fullname"] = $grid->makeSelect("id","fullname");

    // render data          

The table on the html looks like this:

    echo "<h2>Bauvorhaben</h2>\n";
            echo '<table class="grid bvh" action="ajaxBVH.php">
                <th col="id"    width="50">ID</th>
                <th col="name"  width="200" type="text">Bezeichnung</th>
                <th col="aktiv" width="100" type="checkbox">Aktiv</th>
                <th col="temp" width="100"  type="checkbox">Tempor&auml;r</th>
                <th col="created"  width="200" type="text">Erstellt</th>
                <th col="fullname" type="select">Erstellt von</th>
                <th col="zkalkident" type="text">ZKalk DokNummer</th>

This is the MySQL-Log for the query:

130829 15:32:02   290 Connect   wawi@localhost on 
          290 Init DB   wawi
          290 Quit  
          292 Connect   wawi@localhost on 
          292 Init DB   wawi
          292 Query SHOW KEYS FROM `projekte` WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY'
          292 Query SELECT `projekte`.`id`,`projekte`.`name`,`projekte`.`aktiv`,`projekte`.`temp`,`projekte`.`created`,`projekte`.`fullname`,`projekte`.`zkalkident`,users.nachname as `surname`
            FROM `projekte`
            LEFT JOIN user ON (projekte.uid=user.id)

            ORDER BY `id` DESC
            LIMIT 0,10
          292 Quit  
          291 Connect   wawi@localhost on 
          291 Init DB   wawi
          291 Query SELECT `user`.`id`,`user`.`fullname`
            FROM `user`
          291 Quit  

FYI this is the js snippet for the grid:

                        $(function() {
                var $grid = $(".bvh").grid({
                    title : "bvh",
                    page : 1,
                    showPager : true,
                    editing : true,
                    deleting : false,
                    nRowsShowing : 10,
                    width: 1000,
                    rowNumbers: false,
                    checkboxes: false,
                    adding: false,
                    orderBy: "id",
                    sort: "DESC"

                }).on("loadComplete",function(e, grid) {
                    console.log("loadComplete", grid);
                }).on("cellClick",function(e, $cell,rowData) {
                }).on("rowCheck",function(e, $checkbox, rowData) {
                    //console.log("rowCheck",$checkbox, rowData);
                }).on("rowClick",function(e, $rows,rowData) {
                }).on("save",function(e, row, res) {


I don't know how to go on from this stage as I tried everything I can think of. I am sure the answer is an easy one so please share it with me!

regards, charlie

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

The first thing I notice is that you have your fields as

"prename"=>"users.vorname", "surname"=>"users.nachname"

But your table name is user not users. I'll keep looking.

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

I can't tell if there are other issues, but if you go to chrome, and hit the network tab > ajax > and click on the request > response you should be able to see any mysql errors and post them here for me.

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

Sorry for the typo, i changed so many things to test this out so it must have slipped in. I get the following two errors:

Unknown column 'user.fullname' in 'field list
Unknown column 'projekte.fullname' in 'field list'

Thanks for looking into my problem

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

By the way I get these errors seperate as I get two times the response-page (ajaxBVH.php) as you can see here: http://prntscr.com/1o5y89

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

Is your grid automatically loading twice?

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

no, it is only displayed once, and is not supposed to be loaded twice

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

So for fullname, i don't see you putting user.fullname in the fields list. For projekte.fullname is that actually a real field on projekte?

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

fullname does not exist in any of the tables. it should just be the new field for the grid containing name and surname seperated by a whitespace

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

So then you would need to have

"fullname" => "CONCAT(user.vorname,' ',user.nachename)"

inside of fields

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

Great, now this one is working! Thank you so much. I have a look now into the second grid and contact you if I run into any troubles. Thanks again, charlie

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

Awesome, glad we got it!

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

Now I have one more question: How do I handle multiple selects with different tables? I tried this way, but it didn't work:

    $grid = new Grid("entnahme", array(
        "joins" => array("LEFT JOIN material ON (materialid=material.id)",
            "LEFT JOIN materialgruppen ON (material.gruppenid=materialgruppen.id)",
            "LEFT JOIN projekte ON (entnahme.projektid=projekte.id)"),
        "fields" => array("gruppe"=>'materialgruppen.name',
        "select" => 'selectFunction',

        function selectFunction($grid) {

        $selects = array();

        // Mitarbeiter select
        $grid->table = "materialgruppen";
        $grid->fields = array("gruppe"=>'materialgruppen.name');
        $selects["gruppe"] = $grid->makeSelect("id","gruppe");

        $grid->table = "projekte";
        $grid->fields = array("bvh"=>'projekte.name');
        $selects["bvh"] = $grid->makeSelect("id","bvh");

        // render data          


I believe the mistake is in the selectFunction() but I can't find it...

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

Yea that should be correct, what errors are you getting?

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

The response looks alright, the grid is also displyed, but the select fields are not set to the corresponding value, so they all show the same value. This is a snippet of the response:

_62: {id:62, time:2013-08-26 20:09:06, gruppe:Bandblech, materialid:6, bvh:Pernitz}
bvh: "Pernitz"
gruppe: "Bandblech"
id: "62"
materialid: "6"
time: "2013-08-26 20:09:06"
optikalefx commented 11 years ago

Make sure that the value in the grid that you want the select box to change to, is the actual real value, not some aliased joined value. For example, if you have shirts and then select box is color, but all the colors have IDs.

Don't let your table have color = 'red'. Make sure that color = '5' so that the select function knows to select value 5, which is display value of red.

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

it looks alright, in the generated div the value is the id of the table:

<option value="16">test4</option>

16 is the id of the table "projekte", test4 the name to be displayed. But nothing is marked as selected. also saving does not work.

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

Yea that part is fine, I'm talking about the parent cell value. Because the parent cell value is the one that tells the drop down which option to pick. If all your values are numbers, like 16, but the cell says test4 not 16, then it won't know how to select 16.

Does that make sense?

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

I see what you mean, and yes, that makes sense. But, where do I define the parent cell value? (sure a dumb question, but it's quite late here so please forgive me...)

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

It's not a dumb question, this particular part is tough to get.

The parent cell value comes from the first main table select. So in that very first <th col="" where you say what column you want that guy to be, make sure in the PHP for that column you aren't aliasing that field to something else.

The best way to test that you have it right, is to get rid of the select boxes for a second. Just comment that part out. Then load your grid. If in that column you see a bunch of numbers, like 16, then you're good. If you see test4 then your not good. If you see test4 then you need to take out that column in the fields array, because it's aliasing it.

Does that make any sense?

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

Perfect, I think I got it. It works now on most of my select boxes but on one. Maybe this isn't possible at all but I'll explain anyway what I want to do.

I have three tables, tbl.A. tbl.B and tbl.C tbl.A.bid points to tbl.B.id nad tbl.B.cid point to tbl.C.id

now i want to have a selecbox like this:

<option value="tbl.A.id">tbl.C.desc & tbl.B.desc</option>

I joined all three tables in the ajax.php and added a new field to fields:

    $grid = new Grid("tbl.A", array(
        "joins" => array("LEFT JOIN tbl.B ON (tbl.A.bid=tbl.B.id)",
            "LEFT JOIN tbl.Cn ON (tbl.B.cid=tbl.C.id)",
        "fields" => array(
            "fulldesc"=>"CONCAT(tbl.C.desc,' & ',tbl.B.desc)",
        "select" => 'selectFunction'

This seems to work, as I get the fulldesc in the response. Also I created the select in the function:

function selectFunction($grid) { 
        $selects = array();
    $grid->table = "tbl.B";
    $grid->fields = array("fulldesc"=>"CONCAT(tbl.C.desc,' & ',tbl.B.desc)");
        $selects["tblAid"] = $grid->makeSelect("tbl.A.id","fulldesc");

        // render data          


So first, is this even possible? If so, what table do I have to specify in the selectFunction? Where could be a mistake in the code?

At the moment the grid is loading without any error message but all select boxes are empty. In the response I can see the created field "fulldesc" which contains the correct descriptions. Also I see the tbl.A.id. But in the created code the is empty.

Thanks for your great help, everything else works fine now.

optikalefx commented 11 years ago

so you don't need to do the CONCAT in the original statement, only in the select function. But you need to do the joins in the select function.

So all your missing are the joins in your select function, and then it should work.

trcharlie commented 11 years ago

Great, everything works now! Thank you so much for the help!

sambaf commented 10 years ago

please can some one help me? i started tested your grid and find it very awsome but i kind if felt in thesame promblems of joining two tables. i have a table kunden and another one konten, now i can display the kunden table on the grid with no problems, but when i try to join another table i get and error saying
Unknown column 'konten.Rechnungsnr' in 'field list'

sambaf commented 10 years ago

my ajax.php looks like this ?php // connect to db mysql_connect("localhost","root","root"); mysql_select_db("mydb");

// require our class

// load our grid with a table
$grid = new Grid("kunden", array(
       "LEFT JOIN konten c ON ( kunden.kundennummer=konten.Rechnungsnr)"

    "select" => 'selectFunction'
    function selectFunction($grid) {

$selects = array();

// category select

$grid->table = "konten"; $grid->fields = array("Rechnungsnr"=>"Rechnungsnr"); $selects["Rechnungsnr"] = $grid->makeSelect("Rechnungsnr","Rechnungsnr");

// render data          


// drop down function
// if you have anonymous function support, then you can just put this function in place of
// 'selectFunction'


sambaf commented 10 years ago

and my html table looks like this

                   <th  col="Rechnungsnummer" type="select">Rechnungsnr</th>
                     <th col="Vorname"type="text" >Vorname</th>

                     <th col="Nachname" width="50" type="text">Nachname</th>
                     <th col="Adresse" type="text">Adresse</th>
                     <th col="PLZOrt" type="text">PLZOrt</th>
             <th col="email" type="text">email</th>
optikalefx commented 10 years ago

You've got an alias problem. In your PHP you're doing this

LEFT JOIN konten c ON ( kunden.kundennummer=konten.Rechnungsnr)

Which aliases the table "konten" to "c" Therefor everywhere you have "konten" (after this point) needs to be "c"

LEFT JOIN konten c ON ( kunden.kundennummer=c.Rechnungsnr)

optikalefx commented 10 years ago

More importantly actually, you are joining on a field that you are trying to use in a select

<th  col="Rechnungsnummer" type="select">Rechnungsnr</th>

This field "Rechnungsnummer" needs to be the raw number from the database, not a joined value. Why? Because your select function needs the raw number to look up against the entire table of values.

But your making your "select" box with the name "Rechnungsnr" but in your HTML you have

 <th  col="Rechnungsnummer" type="select">Rechnungsnr</th>

So your select is not referring the field that you are selecting from the PHP. I don't know what those words are so I can't speculate what relationships you want.

sambaf commented 10 years ago

oh thanks for the quick response, just to clarify it again, Rechnungsnr is the primary key of the table i m referencing, and kundennnumer is the primary key of the actual table ,so it seems i m doing it completely wrong because the i dont want to use the field as select rather i want to just get the data and display it on the grid? so is it wrong with the selectiong function? how should i go about that please?

optikalefx commented 10 years ago

The select function is for making drop down boxes, hence the name select after the HTML tag