optimajet / WorkflowEngine.NET

WorkflowEngine.NET - component that adds workflow in your application. It can be fully integrated into your application, or be in the form of a specific service (such as a web service).
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Multi-timers on one activity #73

Closed stefansreckovic closed 3 years ago

stefansreckovic commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have 2 timer triggers on 1 activity (defined as interval) , on transition with some condition. When one of them is executed and condition is false, happens that after that both of timers are reseted. If I mark "Do not override timer if exists" as true on timer definition, after evaluating condition as false, timer is not created again on activity. What I want is 2 timers (timer interval working as recurring timers) on 1 activity , that work independent.

optimajet commented 3 years ago

Hi, this behavior is correct. Try to use the subprocesses (https://workflowengine.io/documentation/execution/subprocesses/) for your case.