optimajet / WorkflowEngine.NET

WorkflowEngine.NET - component that adds workflow in your application. It can be fully integrated into your application, or be in the form of a specific service (such as a web service).
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DropWorkflowProcesses stored procedure doesn't delete WorkflowProcessInstancePersistence records #75

Closed ronaldbosma closed 3 years ago

ronaldbosma commented 3 years ago


I noticed that the DropWorkflowProcesses stored procedure doesn't delete records from the WorkflowProcessInstancePersistence table. On this line it queries the persistence table, but deletes records from the status table: https://github.com/optimajet/WorkflowEngine.NET/blob/d91b5e977db565500c76a1a94e151ff425773187/Other/AngularBoilerplate/db/SQL/CreatePersistenceObjects.sql#L201

I was wondering if this is a bug or by design?

betine commented 3 years ago

Hi, DropWorkflowProcesses is not used anymore, actual scripts for databases can be found here https://github.com/optimajet/WorkflowEngine.NET/blob/master/Providers/OptimaJet.Workflow.MSSQL/Scripts/CreatePersistenceObjects.sql