Includes substantial (25%+) model speedup through more efficient code
Add numnewdiagcd4 to results.other - the number of diagnoses split by cd4 count - currently not plottable (want to update plotbycd4())
Add plotlatediag to results.other - the proportion of diagnoses that have CD4<200 - plottable as a stacked, total (default) or population
Add propundxcd4lt200 to results.other - the proportion of undiagnosed PLHIV with CD4<200 - as a comparison to proplatediag - at the moment has to be a separate plot to plotlatediag
Includes substantial (25%+) model speedup through more efficient code
Add numnewdiagcd4 to results.other - the number of diagnoses split by cd4 count - currently not plottable (want to update plotbycd4()) Add plotlatediag to results.other - the proportion of diagnoses that have CD4<200 - plottable as a stacked, total (default) or population Add propundxcd4lt200 to results.other - the proportion of undiagnosed PLHIV with CD4<200 - as a comparison to proplatediag - at the moment has to be a separate plot to plotlatediag