optimass / continual_learning_papers

Relevant papers in Continual Learning
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Please add "On the Limitations of Continual Learning for Malware Classification" #34

Closed msrocean closed 1 year ago

msrocean commented 1 year ago

@inproceedings{rahman2022limitations, title={On the Limitations of Continual Learning for Malware Classification}, author={Rahman, Mohammad Saidur and Coull, Scott E and Wright, Matthew}, booktitle={Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLAs)}, year={2022} url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.06568}, keywords={Applications, Empirical Study, Rehearsal, Regularization, Distillation, Generative Replay} } @String(rahman2022limitations="This paper investigates overcoming catastrophic forgetting for malware classification")