optimass / continual_learning_papers

Relevant papers in Continual Learning
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Update bibtex.bib #35

Closed msrocean closed 2 years ago

msrocean commented 2 years ago

one of the CoLLAs 2022 paper is added.

@inproceedings{rahman2022limitations, title={On the Limitations of Continual Learning for Malware Classification}, author={Rahman, Mohammad Saidur and Coull, Scott E and Wright, Matthew}, booktitle={Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLAs)}, year={2022} url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.06568}, keywords={Applications, Empirical Study, Rehearsal, Regularization, Distillation, Generative Replay} } https://github.com/string(rahman2022limitations="This paper investigates overcoming catastrophic forgetting for malware classification")

optimass commented 2 years ago

thanks! feel free to run the commands explained in the doc for your paper to also appear on the page! (don't forget to git pull to avoid conflits)

msrocean commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much. I tried to run the commands explained in the doc for the paper to appear on the page, however, something happened and it is not working. I also tried to update the conference list, but README did not get updated after running the python file.

optimass commented 2 years ago

@TLESORT I just tried and @msrocean is right, his paper doesn't get uploaded to the README. Do you mind investigating please?