Dependabot found critical vulnerability in this dependency and it is not needed in the SDK
Python 3.4 no longer supports required libraries to support new and existing features
Note: PyYaml was previously an explicit dependency, however PyYaml is also a transient dependency in python-coverals, which has already upgraded to the latest version of PyYaml. This version of PyYaml no longer supports Python version 3.4. For this reason we have chose to also drop Python 3.4, as we need to continue proper code coverage on our SDKs to ensure the highest quality of code.
This is failing for Python 3.4 due to an environment issue it seems. Travis is still picking up the PyYaml requirement and trying to install, which it should not.
Dependabot found critical vulnerability in this dependency and it is not needed in the SDK Python 3.4 no longer supports required libraries to support new and existing features
Note: PyYaml was previously an explicit dependency, however PyYaml is also a transient dependency in python-coverals, which has already upgraded to the latest version of PyYaml. This version of PyYaml no longer supports Python version 3.4. For this reason we have chose to also drop Python 3.4, as we need to continue proper code coverage on our SDKs to ensure the highest quality of code.
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