optimizely / swift-sdk

Swift SDK for Optimizely Feature Experimentation and Optimizely Full Stack (legacy)
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to upgrade to optimizely pod 3.10.1 #465

Closed HayderNN closed 2 years ago

HayderNN commented 2 years ago

~~Whenever I try to update my pod version to 3.10.1, the Xcode project no longer builds, it errors with 'OPTIMIZELY_SDK_VERSION' macro redefined~~

~~We are using pod 'Brightcove-Player-IMA', '6.10.6' which seems to be linking against optimizely version 3.9.0 since Xcode states that define OPTIMIZELY_SDK_VERSION @"3.9.0" is defined in #import <BrightcovePlayerSDK/BrightcovePlayerSDK.h>~~

It turns out Cocoapods had declared the macro in GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ( "$(inherited)", "OPTIMIZELY_SDK_VERSION=@\\"3.9.0\\"" ); Manually deleting it solved the problem! FYI We had moved the sdk from one Xcode project to another inside the workspace and when updating the pod the old OPTIMIZELY_SDK_VERSION was still declared inside the old project. Will mark the issue as closed