optiopay / klar

Integration of Clair and Docker Registry
MIT License
506 stars 140 forks source link

Unknown service clairpb.AncestryService #115

Open apexcz opened 5 years ago

apexcz commented 5 years ago

@hashmap I just installed the latest version of klar - 2.3.0 (as at the time of writing) by the go get github.com/optiopay/klar command. This is the result I get

$ CLAIR_ADDR=localhost CLAIR_OUTPUT=High CLAIR_THRESHOLD=10 klar postgres:9.5.1 clair timeout 1m0s docker timeout: 1m0s no whitelist file Analysing 22 layers Failed to analyze using API v1: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/postgres:9.5.1 to Clair failed: can't even read an error message: invalid character 'N' looking for beginning of value

Failed to analyze using API v3: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/postgres:9.5.1 to Clair failed: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service clairpb.AncestryService

Failed to analyze, exiting $

Meanwhile, my previous version (last week) was working fine with the above command, but I was having issues implementing Klar's Dockerized version so I had to uninstall and re-install klar and clair. Please help me look into this issue.

hashmap commented 5 years ago

@apexcz what version of Calr do you use? I have the same issue with the current master, but it works for many others (which is you got via go get, not 2.3.0). As workaround you may want to try binary from release.

apexcz commented 5 years ago

@hashmap I use the latest version of Clair - image: quay.io/coreos/clair-git:latest and the Klar version is the version on the current master which I presume should be the latest release - 2.3.0 .

hashmap commented 5 years ago

@apexcz thanks, I have the same version of Clair. No, another pr was merged after this release https://github.com/optiopay/klar/pull/113

apexcz commented 5 years ago

@hashmap thank you and please let me know when it is merged.

hashmap commented 5 years ago

@apexcz it was merged and it's why you have this issue:) it's not a part of any release yet, so please try the last release, not master branch

apexcz commented 5 years ago

@hashmap I tried using the latest binary release - Klar 2.3.0 for osx and I still get the same error message as shown below. $ CLAIR_ADDR=localhost CLAIR_OUTPUT=High CLAIR_THRESHOLD=10 klarosx postgres:9.5.1 clair timeout 1m0s docker timeout: 1m0s no whitelist file Analysing 22 layers Failed to analyze using API v1: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/postgres:9.5.1 to Clair failed: can't even read an error message: invalid character 'N' looking for beginning of value

Failed to analyze using API v3: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/postgres:9.5.1 to Clair failed: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service clairpb.AncestryService

Failed to analyze, exiting

apexcz commented 5 years ago

@hashmap I am still having the same issues with the latest binary release - Klar 2.3.0 for osx. I have even tried with other release versions down till version 2.0 where the error message changes to

Failed to analyze using API v3: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/postgres:9.5.1 to Clair failed: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure

What do you suggest in this case?

a-zen commented 5 years ago

The errors seems to occur because the /v1/layers endpoint is no longer supported. See my trace output after trying to scan the image kinihun/klar from hub.docker.com:

POST /v1/layers HTTP/1.1
Host: platform-os-clair-clair:6060
Content-Type: application/json

{"Layer":{"Name":"b78a4cc8ad0fef07d3ad4007ea6c99e4f5e73d0e430be43fba1b0d0e5388c238605ce1bd3f3164f2949a30501cc596f52a72de05da1306ab360055f0d7130c32","Path":"https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/kinihun/klar/blobs/sha256:605ce1bd3f3164f2949a30501cc596f52a72de05da1306ab360055f0d7130c32","ParentName":"","Format":"Docker","Features":null,"Headers":{"Authorization":"Bearer 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.eyJhY2Nlc3MiOlt7InR5cGUiOiJyZXBvc2l0b3J5IiwibmFtZSI6ImtpbmlodW4va2xhciIsImFjdGlvbnMiOlsicHVsbCJdfV0sImF1ZCI6InJlZ2lzdHJ5LmRvY2tlci5pbyIsImV4cCI6MTUzMzEyMjM3NiwiaWF0IjoxNTMzMTIyMDc2LCJpc3MiOiJhdXRoLmRvY2tlci5pbyIsImp0aSI6Ikh0UTNGdHNXTm1PUHNBN3ZlOG5rIiwibmJmIjoxNTMzMTIxNzc2LCJzdWIiOiIifQ.toab6IcbEssbeB4CLHwYI5_K24-XwmUIYyX6eEYhkv0vFktEKoEp7v7lV3pgqsA2y5MbLjiM39S5vcGMe8AaaJMBFQMUaLIFWZwkQdPb--DF50Py7s7dnuBYSmQgHEcU_9WDD3tO2GVLBwCmyjz-dbWyLxw4faNIq6buWaY1P4uE4aWH85-tSZsRABVqHtUsimhIf1F7rY2c7yTepdAihZ7WhtqmNvJEocixF6kvtzyqupUbohOkRx3bC9Yo_HehhhSjJhcHlyjT5gOIp_DJLuo9cYZIrOW-B35IFfKyj7EIIKRJ6Pl920DVaDmPkSpHim-iJZLXuwJPa8A2MQyB-w"}}}
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Length: 10
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 11:14:36 GMT
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Not Found

Failed to analyze using API v1: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/kinihun/klar:latest to Clair failed: can't even read an error message: invalid character 'N' looking for beginning of value

Failed to analyze using API v3: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/kinihun/klar:latest to Clair failed: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service clairpb.AncestryService

Failed to analyze, exiting
apexcz commented 5 years ago

@a-zen, I agree with you. I had to use coreos/clair v2.0.4 (the stable release) instead of coreos/clair-git:latest (development release).

Delete current version of Clair and modify $HOME/docker-compose.yml file from image: quay.io/coreos/clair-git:latest to image: quay.io/coreos/clair:v2.0.4

a-zen commented 5 years ago

@apexcz so this is a clair bug and not an klar one?

apexcz commented 5 years ago

@a-zen Yes, because the latest clair-git version doesn't support /v1/layers. Although Klar should fully support v3.

hashmap commented 5 years ago

Not really, clair-git introduces a new API (v3) which is subject to change, so something must be changed. Stable release supports v1, it should work fine. I'll take a look at changes in v3.

a-zen commented 5 years ago

@apexcz thanks I can confirm it works with the latest stable version of clair (2.0.4). @hashmap Maybe we can put this information into the README and close this bug?

poojatr commented 5 years ago

With the clair-git:latest version clair is up and running

but the error when trying with klar is

docker run --env-file=env-file.env docker.io/poojatbabu/klar postgres:9.5.1 clair timeout 1m0s docker timeout: 1m0s no whitelist file Analysing 22 layers Failed to analyze using API v1: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/postgres:9.5.1 to Clair failed: can't push layer to Clair: Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

Failed to analyze using API v3: push image https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/postgres:9.5.1 to Clair failed: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure

when i try with clair:v2.0.7 / clair:v2.0.5 / clair:latest

clair is not up and running error says

{"Event":"pgsql: could not open database: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused","Level":"fatal","Location":"main.go:96","Time":"2019-02-10 16:25:57.674339"}

where as the postgres:9.6 is up and running fine eec593d07cf6 postgres:9.6 "docker-entrypoint..." 25 hours ago Up 25 hours>5432/tcp youthful_hamilton

am i missing something, am trying to set up clair for the first time, help is highly appreciated.