optiopay / klar

Integration of Clair and Docker Registry
MIT License
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CLAIR_OUTPUT does not work as documented #116

Closed cafuego closed 5 years ago

cafuego commented 5 years ago

I've got a docker image which contains a bunch of vulnerabilities from Critical all the way down to Unknown. When I run klar with CLAIR_OUTPUT=Critical after adding all Critical vulnerabilities to the whitelist, klar still shows all non-critital vulnerabilities and exits with status 1.

When I read the documentation, I would expect it to indeed ignore the whitelisted vulnerabilities, but also not output anything else, as the remaining vulnerabilities are all Low, Medium or High.

cafuego commented 5 years ago

I'm now not able to replicate this problem, so please don't investigate it yet.

hashmap commented 5 years ago

Closing for now, feel free to reopen