optiopay / klar

Integration of Clair and Docker Registry
MIT License
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ECR Readme example not working #119

Closed BastiPaeltz closed 5 years ago

BastiPaeltz commented 5 years ago


the ECR example in the readme currently doesn't work, but it is easy to fix :)

DOCKER_LOGIN=`aws ecr get-login --no-include-email`
PASSWORD=`echo $DOCKER_LOGIN | cut -d' ' -f6`
REGISTRY=`echo $DOCKER_LOGIN | cut -d' ' -f9 | sed "s/https:\/\///"`

This will lead to REGISTRY being empty. To fix just change the line to:

REGISTRY=`echo $DOCKER_LOGIN | cut -d' ' -f7 | sed "s/https:\/\///"`
hashmap commented 5 years ago

@BastiPaeltz feel free to send a PR!

hashmap commented 5 years ago

I committed your change, thanks!