optiopay / klar

Integration of Clair and Docker Registry
MIT License
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Question: Local scanning of container image? #123

Closed clabu closed 5 years ago

clabu commented 5 years ago

I want to be able to scan a local image I just built before pushing it to a registry. I want to make sure that only scanned images are pushed. Is this possible with klar?

hashmap commented 5 years ago

@clabu No, at the time when Klar was created an official local scanner existed https://github.com/coreos/analyze-local-images - it's still exists but not supported anymore. So it was out of the scope for Klar.

clabu commented 5 years ago

@hashmap Thanks for the reply. Makes sense. Do you know a local scanner that you can recommend? Judging by the stats here on GitHub, Klar appears to be actively developed and has relatively many contributors. The other Clair clients I've seen do not seem to be.

clabu commented 5 years ago

@hashmap Pardon my ignorance, but is it by design that Clair needs the images it scans to be a registry? This would mean that tools that support "local" scanning have to run a local registry service somehow for Clair to pull from.

hashmap commented 5 years ago

@clabu I can't comment on behalf of the Clair team, but it seems to be more enterprise focused, Coreos developed an integrated solution registry+clair. We developed Klar with a particular use case in mind (CI integration), so I never had a need to scan local images, can't suggest a tool.