optuna / optuna-examples

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Using multiple RL environments with Optuna #173

Closed Anth0rx closed 1 year ago

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

How do I use Optuna with multiple OpenAI Gym environments in Stable Baselines 3?

Stable Baselines 3 suggests using a SubProcVec for running an agent through multiple environments.

When I try to wrap the environment in a SubProcVec while using your example it results in a BrokenPipe error. Do you have some further hints or examples?

nzw0301 commented 1 year ago

Could you share the minimal code?

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

Sure, so I used the following file based on your example:

""" Optuna example that optimizes the hyperparameters of
a reinforcement learning agent using A2C implementation from Stable-Baselines3
on an OpenAI Gym environment.

This is a simplified version of what can be found in https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo.

You can run this example as follows:
    $ python sb3_simple.py

from typing import Callable
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict

import gym
import optuna
from optuna.pruners import MedianPruner
from optuna.samplers import TPESampler
from stable_baselines3 import A2C
from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import EvalCallback
from stable_baselines3.common.monitor import Monitor
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

N_TRIALS = 100
N_TIMESTEPS = int(2e4)

def make_env(monitor=False) -> Callable:
    Utility function for multiprocessed env.

    :return: (Callable)
    def _init() -> gym.Env:
        env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
        if monitor:
            return Monitor(env)
            return env
    return _init

def sample_a2c_params(trial: optuna.Trial) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Sampler for A2C hyperparameters."""
    gamma = 1.0 - trial.suggest_float("gamma", 0.0001, 0.1, log=True)
    max_grad_norm = trial.suggest_float("max_grad_norm", 0.3, 5.0, log=True)
    gae_lambda = 1.0 - trial.suggest_float("gae_lambda", 0.001, 0.2, log=True)
    n_steps = 2 ** trial.suggest_int("exponent_n_steps", 3, 10)
    learning_rate = trial.suggest_float("lr", 1e-5, 1, log=True)
    ent_coef = trial.suggest_float("ent_coef", 0.00000001, 0.1, log=True)
    ortho_init = trial.suggest_categorical("ortho_init", [False, True])
    net_arch = trial.suggest_categorical("net_arch", ["tiny", "small"])
    activation_fn = trial.suggest_categorical("activation_fn", ["tanh", "relu"])

    # Display true values.
    trial.set_user_attr("gamma_", gamma)
    trial.set_user_attr("gae_lambda_", gae_lambda)
    trial.set_user_attr("n_steps", n_steps)

    net_arch = [
        {"pi": [64], "vf": [64]} if net_arch == "tiny" else {"pi": [64, 64], "vf": [64, 64]}

    activation_fn = {"tanh": nn.Tanh, "relu": nn.ReLU}[activation_fn]

    return {
        "n_steps": n_steps,
        "gamma": gamma,
        "gae_lambda": gae_lambda,
        "learning_rate": learning_rate,
        "ent_coef": ent_coef,
        "max_grad_norm": max_grad_norm,
        "policy_kwargs": {
            "net_arch": net_arch,
            "activation_fn": activation_fn,
            "ortho_init": ortho_init,

class TrialEvalCallback(EvalCallback):
    """Callback used for evaluating and reporting a trial."""

    def __init__(
        eval_env: SubprocVecEnv,
        trial: optuna.Trial,
        n_eval_episodes: int = 5,
        eval_freq: int = 10000,
        deterministic: bool = True,
        verbose: int = 0,
        self.trial = trial
        self.eval_idx = 0
        self.is_pruned = False

    def _on_step(self) -> bool:
        if self.eval_freq > 0 and self.n_calls % self.eval_freq == 0:
            self.eval_idx += 1
            self.trial.report(self.last_mean_reward, self.eval_idx)
            # Prune trial if need.
            if self.trial.should_prune():
                self.is_pruned = True
                return False
        return True

def objective(trial: optuna.Trial) -> float:
    kwargs = DEFAULT_HYPERPARAMS.copy()
    # Sample hyperparameters.
    # Create the RL model.
    model = A2C(**kwargs)
    # Create env used for evaluation.
    eval_env = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(monitor=True) for i in range(THREADS)], start_method='spawn')
    # Create the callback that will periodically evaluate and report the performance.
    eval_callback = TrialEvalCallback(
        eval_env, trial, n_eval_episodes=N_EVAL_EPISODES, eval_freq=EVAL_FREQ, deterministic=True

    nan_encountered = False
        model.learn(N_TIMESTEPS, callback=eval_callback)
    except AssertionError as e:
        # Sometimes, random hyperparams can generate NaN.
        nan_encountered = True
        # Free memory.

    # Tell the optimizer that the trial failed.
    if nan_encountered:
        return float("nan")

    if eval_callback.is_pruned:
        raise optuna.exceptions.TrialPruned()

    return eval_callback.last_mean_reward

if __name__ == "__main__":
    env = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(monitor=False) for i in range(THREADS)], start_method='spawn')

        "policy": "MlpPolicy",
        "env": env,

    # Set pytorch num threads to 1 for faster training.

    sampler = TPESampler(n_startup_trials=N_STARTUP_TRIALS)
    # Do not prune before 1/3 of the max budget is used.
    pruner = MedianPruner(n_startup_trials=N_STARTUP_TRIALS, n_warmup_steps=N_EVALUATIONS // 3)

    study = optuna.create_study(sampler=sampler, pruner=pruner, direction="maximize")
        study.optimize(objective, n_trials=N_TRIALS, timeout=600)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print("Number of finished trials: ", len(study.trials))

    print("Best trial:")
    trial = study.best_trial

    print("  Value: ", trial.value)

    print("  Params: ")
    for key, value in trial.params.items():
        print("    {}: {}".format(key, value))

    print("  User attrs:")
    for key, value in trial.user_attrs.items():
        print("    {}: {}".format(key, value))

The changes I made were:

  1. move the environment definition below if __name__ == "__main__": (This is needed for SubprocVecEnv):
    env = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(monitor=False) for i in range(THREADS)], start_method='spawn')

DEFAULT_HYPERPARAMS = { "policy": "MlpPolicy", "env": env, }

2. add `make_env()` function:
def make_env(monitor=False) -> Callable:
    Utility function for multiprocessed env.

    :return: (Callable)
    def _init() -> gym.Env:
        env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
        if monitor:
            return Monitor(env)
            return env
    return _init
  1. Create eval_env with SubprocVecEnv:
    eval_env = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(monitor=True) for i in range(THREADS)], start_method='spawn')

    This yields the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/tmp/sb3_simple.py", line 175, in <module>
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=N_TRIALS, timeout=600)
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/optuna/study/study.py", line 425, in optimize
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/optuna/study/_optimize.py", line 66, in _optimize
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/optuna/study/_optimize.py", line 163, in _optimize_sequential
    frozen_trial = _run_trial(study, func, catch)
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/optuna/study/_optimize.py", line 251, in _run_trial
    raise func_err
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/optuna/study/_optimize.py", line 200, in _run_trial
    value_or_values = func(trial)
    File "/tmp/sb3_simple.py", line 138, in objective
    model.learn(N_TIMESTEPS, callback=eval_callback)
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/a2c/a2c.py", line 193, in learn
    return super().learn(
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/on_policy_algorithm.py", line 236, in learn
    total_timesteps, callback = self._setup_learn(
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/base_class.py", line 408, in _setup_learn
    self._last_obs = self.env.reset()  # pytype: disable=annotation-type-mismatch
    File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/vec_env/subproc_vec_env.py", line 135, in reset
    remote.send(("reset", None))
    File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 206, in send
    File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 411, in _send_bytes
    self._send(header + buf)
    File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 368, in _send
    n = write(self._handle, buf)
    BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
nzw0301 commented 1 year ago

Hi @araffin, if you have time, could you look at this question...?

araffin commented 1 year ago

Hello, why are you using start_method='spawn'? Does your env work without optuna with subprocess?

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

Usually I use start_method='forkserver'. I just wanted to try spawn as well and posted that version.

Without optuna I would implement it like that:

import gym
from typing import Callable

from stable_baselines3 import A2C
from stable_baselines3.common.monitor import Monitor
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv

def make_env(monitor=False) -> Callable:
    Utility function for multiprocessed env.

    :return: (Callable)
    def _init() -> gym.Env:
        env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
        if monitor:
            return Monitor(env)
            return env
    return _init

if __name__=="__main__":
    env = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(monitor=True) for i in range(4)], start_method='forkserver')
    model = A2C("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1)

When I try to execute it through a separate script with subprocess I receive the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/run_subprocess.py", line 1, in <module>
    import subprocess
  File "/tmp/subprocess.py", line 5, in <module>
    from stable_baselines3 import A2C
  File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/__init__.py", line 5, in <module>
    from stable_baselines3.a2c import A2C
  File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/a2c/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
    from stable_baselines3.a2c.a2c import A2C
  File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/a2c/a2c.py", line 3, in <module>
    import torch as th
  File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/torch/__init__.py", line 877, in <module>
    from torch import multiprocessing as multiprocessing
  File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/__init__.py", line 18, in <module>
    from .reductions import init_reductions
  File "/tmp/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/reductions.py", line 7, in <module>
    from multiprocessing.util import register_after_fork
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/multiprocessing/util.py", line 17, in <module>
    from subprocess import _args_from_interpreter_flags
ImportError: cannot import name '_args_from_interpreter_flags' from partially initialized module 'subprocess' (most likely due to a circular import) (/tmp/subprocess.py)

My run_subprocess.py file looks like:

import subprocess

if __name__=="__main__":
    subprocess.run(["python3", "subprocess.py"])
araffin commented 1 year ago

My run_subprocess.py file looks like:

why are you doing that? and not directly calling the first script?

It looks like the problem comes from pytorch.

I couldn't reproduce the error, I'm using python 3.7/3.9 and pytorch 1.12.1 on linux.

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

why are you doing that? and not directly calling the first script?

Maybe I misunderstood you. In your first answer you wrote "Does your env work without optuna with subprocess?". I thought you meant calling the script with subprocess.run().

I couldn't reproduce the error, I'm using python 3.7/3.9 and pytorch 1.12.1 on linux.

I am running Python 3.10.9 and PyTorch 1.13.1 on Linux

araffin commented 1 year ago

Maybe I misunderstood you. In your first answer you wrote "Does your env work without optuna with subprocess?". I thought you meant calling the script with subprocess.run().

I meant checking that this code runs (SubprocVecEnv is already creating subprocesses):

from stable_baselines3 import A2C
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv

if __name__ == "__main__":
    env = make_vec_env("CartPole-v1", n_envs=4, vec_env_cls=SubprocVecEnv)
    model = A2C("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1)
    model.learn(total_timesteps=1000, progress_bar=True)
Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

With the code you provided I receive a similar error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/a2c.py", line 1, in <module>
    from stable_baselines3 import A2C
  File "/tmp/venv-3.10/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/__init__.py", line 5, in <module>
    from stable_baselines3.a2c import A2C
  File "/tmp/venv-3.10/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/a2c/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
    from stable_baselines3.a2c.a2c import A2C
  File "/tmp/venv-3.10/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/a2c/a2c.py", line 3, in <module>
    import torch as th
  File "/tmp/venv-3.10/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/torch/__init__.py", line 14, in <module>
    import platform
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/platform.py", line 119, in <module>
    import subprocess
  File "/tmp/a2c.py", line 4, in <module>
    from stable_baselines3 import A2C
ImportError: cannot import name 'A2C' from partially initialized module 'stable_baselines3' (most likely due to a circular import) (/tmp/venv-3.10/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/__init__.py)

The same error occurs with PyTorch 1.12.1

araffin commented 1 year ago

The same error occurs with PyTorch 1.12.1

The issue is not from optuna then but from your setup.

could you try with the RL Zoo? ("python -m rl_zoo3.train --algo a2c --env CartPole-v1 from any folder) RL Zoo: https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo

Could you try with another python version? or in google colab?

Be also careful with the name of your scripts/folders (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64807163/importerror-cannot-import-name-from-partially-initialized-module-m).

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

could you try with the RL Zoo? ("python -m rl_zoo3.train --algo a2c --env CartPole-v1 from any folder)

This works without problems for different Python versions (3.7.16, 3.8.16, 3.9.16, 3.10.9, 3.11.0).

I also tested the originally proposed optuna A2C example with SubprocVecEnv with different Python versions (same as above). With every version I receive the same error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sb3_simple.py", line 174, in <module>
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=N_TRIALS, timeout=600)
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/optuna/study/study.py", line 434, in optimize
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/optuna/study/_optimize.py", line 76, in _optimize
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/optuna/study/_optimize.py", line 163, in _optimize_sequential
    frozen_trial = _run_trial(study, func, catch)
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/optuna/study/_optimize.py", line 251, in _run_trial
    raise func_err
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/optuna/study/_optimize.py", line 200, in _run_trial
    value_or_values = func(trial)
  File "sb3_simple.py", line 137, in objective
    model.learn(N_TIMESTEPS, callback=eval_callback)
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/stable_baselines3/a2c/a2c.py", line 199, in learn
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/on_policy_algorithm.py", line 241, in learn
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/base_class.py", line 408, in _setup_learn
    self._last_obs = self.env.reset()  # pytype: disable=annotation-type-mismatch
  File "/tmp/venv-3.7/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/vec_env/subproc_vec_env.py", line 135, in reset
    remote.send(("reset", None))
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.7/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 206, in send
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.7/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 404, in _send_bytes
    self._send(header + buf)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.7/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 368, in _send
    n = write(self._handle, buf)
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
araffin commented 1 year ago

This works without problems for different Python versions (3.7.16, 3.8.16, 3.9.16, 3.10.9, 3.11.0).

sorry, I meant python -m rl_zoo3.train --algo a2c --env CartPole-v1 --vec-env subproc

and with optuna: python -m rl_zoo3.train --algo a2c --env CartPole-v1 -optimize --vec-env subproc -n 5000

If the zoo works fine for you then there is something weird with your setup. Do you have a GPU? if so, could you try running script without is using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= ?

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

sorry, I meant python -m rl_zoo3.train --algo a2c --env CartPole-v1 --vec-env subproc and with optuna: python -m rl_zoo3.train --algo a2c --env CartPole-v1 -optimize --vec-env subproc -n 5000

Okay, that works.

Unfortunately the original script (with start_method="forkserver" as well) still throws the BrokenPipe error (for all the Python versions above).

I also tried it with the make_vec_env() function of stable_baselines3. Here is my final script:

from typing import Any
from typing import Dict

import gym
import optuna
from optuna.pruners import MedianPruner
from optuna.samplers import TPESampler
from stable_baselines3 import A2C
from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import EvalCallback
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

N_TRIALS = 100
N_TIMESTEPS = int(2e4)

def sample_a2c_params(trial: optuna.Trial) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Sampler for A2C hyperparameters."""
    gamma = 1.0 - trial.suggest_float("gamma", 0.0001, 0.1, log=True)
    max_grad_norm = trial.suggest_float("max_grad_norm", 0.3, 5.0, log=True)
    gae_lambda = 1.0 - trial.suggest_float("gae_lambda", 0.001, 0.2, log=True)
    n_steps = 2 ** trial.suggest_int("exponent_n_steps", 3, 10)
    learning_rate = trial.suggest_float("lr", 1e-5, 1, log=True)
    ent_coef = trial.suggest_float("ent_coef", 0.00000001, 0.1, log=True)
    ortho_init = trial.suggest_categorical("ortho_init", [False, True])
    net_arch = trial.suggest_categorical("net_arch", ["tiny", "small"])
    activation_fn = trial.suggest_categorical("activation_fn", ["tanh", "relu"])

    # Display true values.
    trial.set_user_attr("gamma_", gamma)
    trial.set_user_attr("gae_lambda_", gae_lambda)
    trial.set_user_attr("n_steps", n_steps)

    net_arch = [
        {"pi": [64], "vf": [64]} if net_arch == "tiny" else {"pi": [64, 64], "vf": [64, 64]}

    activation_fn = {"tanh": nn.Tanh, "relu": nn.ReLU}[activation_fn]

    return {
        "n_steps": n_steps,
        "gamma": gamma,
        "gae_lambda": gae_lambda,
        "learning_rate": learning_rate,
        "ent_coef": ent_coef,
        "max_grad_norm": max_grad_norm,
        "policy_kwargs": {
            "net_arch": net_arch,
            "activation_fn": activation_fn,
            "ortho_init": ortho_init,

class TrialEvalCallback(EvalCallback):
    """Callback used for evaluating and reporting a trial."""

    def __init__(
        eval_env: SubprocVecEnv,
        trial: optuna.Trial,
        n_eval_episodes: int = 5,
        eval_freq: int = 10000,
        deterministic: bool = True,
        verbose: int = 0,
        self.trial = trial
        self.eval_idx = 0
        self.is_pruned = False

    def _on_step(self) -> bool:
        if self.eval_freq > 0 and self.n_calls % self.eval_freq == 0:
            self.eval_idx += 1
            self.trial.report(self.last_mean_reward, self.eval_idx)
            # Prune trial if need.
            if self.trial.should_prune():
                self.is_pruned = True
                return False
        return True

def objective(trial: optuna.Trial) -> float:
    kwargs = DEFAULT_HYPERPARAMS.copy()
    # Sample hyperparameters.
    # Create the RL model.
    model = A2C(**kwargs)
    # Create env used for evaluation.
    eval_env = make_vec_env("CartPole-v1", n_envs=8, vec_env_cls=SubprocVecEnv)
    # Create the callback that will periodically evaluate and report the performance.
    eval_callback = TrialEvalCallback(
        eval_env, trial, n_eval_episodes=N_EVAL_EPISODES, eval_freq=EVAL_FREQ, deterministic=True

    nan_encountered = False
        model.learn(N_TIMESTEPS, callback=eval_callback)
    except AssertionError as e:
        # Sometimes, random hyperparams can generate NaN.
        nan_encountered = True
        # Free memory.

    # Tell the optimizer that the trial failed.
    if nan_encountered:
        return float("nan")

    if eval_callback.is_pruned:
        raise optuna.exceptions.TrialPruned()

    return eval_callback.last_mean_reward

if __name__ == "__main__":
    env = make_vec_env("CartPole-v1", n_envs=8, vec_env_cls=SubprocVecEnv)
        "policy": "MlpPolicy",
        "env": env,
        "device": "cpu"

    # Set pytorch num threads to 1 for faster training.

    sampler = TPESampler(n_startup_trials=N_STARTUP_TRIALS)
    # Do not prune before 1/3 of the max budget is used.
    pruner = MedianPruner(n_startup_trials=N_STARTUP_TRIALS, n_warmup_steps=N_EVALUATIONS // 3)

    study = optuna.create_study(sampler=sampler, pruner=pruner, direction="maximize")
        study.optimize(objective, n_trials=N_TRIALS, timeout=600)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print("Number of finished trials: ", len(study.trials))

    print("Best trial:")
    trial = study.best_trial

    print("  Value: ", trial.value)

    print("  Params: ")
    for key, value in trial.params.items():
        print("    {}: {}".format(key, value))

    print("  User attrs:")
    for key, value in trial.user_attrs.items():
        print("    {}: {}".format(key, value))

The relevant changes are:

  1. Evaluation environment in the objective() function:
eval_env = make_vec_env("CartPole-v1", n_envs=8, vec_env_cls=SubprocVecEnv)
  1. Training environment in the main routine:
env = make_vec_env("CartPole-v1", n_envs=8, vec_env_cls=SubprocVecEnv)
    "device": "cpu"
araffin commented 1 year ago

Okay, that works.

Good to hear =) Then you can start from the zoo code: https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo It's weird as the RL Zoo is using the exact same thing as what I wrote. The folder/setup where you run the script might be the problem.

I also tried it with the make_vec_env() function of stable_baselines3. Here is my final script:

do you mean that this version worked for you?

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

The folder/setup where you run the script might be the problem.

I placed the script and the Python venvs inside the /tmp folder. Why would that cause an issue?

do you mean that this version worked for you?

No, I just meant I also tried it with make_vec_env() without success :/

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

@araffin Do you have an idea if the venv setup could be a problem? The problem occurs at other locations, as well.

Anth0rx commented 1 year ago

@araffin I had a look at rl-baselines-zoo code and the setup_experiment() function seems to set n_envs to 1 in case optimize_parameters is set to True via the command-line argument -optimize:

def setup_experiment(self) -> Optional[Tuple[BaseAlgorithm, Dict[str, Any]]]:
        Read hyperparameters, pre-process them (create schedules, wrappers, callbacks, action noise objects)
        create the environment and possibly the model.
        :return: the initialized RL model
        n_envs = 1 if self.algo == "ars" or self.optimize_hyperparameters else self.n_envs

Could that be the reason why python -m rl_zoo3.train --algo a2c --env CartPole-v1 -optimize --vec-env subproc -n 5000 works?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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