opulo-inc / farm-upload

A bulk file uploading tool for 3D printer farms.
32 stars 13 forks source link

For even larger scale, integration with Kanban inventory system, and maybe more™, consider splitting into client-server architecture #13

Open mardab opened 3 weeks ago

mardab commented 3 weeks ago

Given your need for managing large farm of different printers and also presented having Kanban system in place, I can't help but recommend taking a step back and looking at a bigger picture, where between physical Kanban tabs/cards in printed parts inventory and automatable printer farm you could see that this setup discrepancy might be improved with a bit more of automation.

What I propose for future of this part of this project may seem convoluted and elaborate, as it involves splitting what farm-upload is right now into "printing clients" for computers either locally managing or feeding G-code to a local group of the same make/model/setup ("type") of printers, and "server(s)" for keeping track of print files, queues and statuses.

While currently it may seem excessive, it would allow for more flexible research and development in several areas:

I hope that this is not too much, and that we could have a fruitful discussion on this undeniably ambitious proposal.