opus1269 / smooth-scroller

Smooth and inertial scrolling for IntelliJ
MIT License
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Increase Framerate to reduce flicker ? #5

Open daslicht opened 8 years ago

daslicht commented 8 years ago

Hi, when scrolling it looks very un-smooth compared to lets say Atom or SublimeText3.

Is there maybe a way to increase the frame rate so that it looks more smooth ?


opus1269 commented 8 years ago

Yea, I'll add an option. If it gets too high, bad things happen :smile:

I may not get to it until next week.

daslicht commented 8 years ago

sounds awesome ! :dancer:

Kurre commented 8 years ago

Any progress on this one? Moderate framerate is my only "problem" with this plugin :smile:

Ideally we should aim for 60fps to make it buttersmooth, but even 30-40fps would be a nice improvement.

daslicht commented 8 years ago

its really a shame thats not built in , heck any other free 'editor' is smoother

arshcaria commented 7 years ago

I just downloaded the repo and modified the framerate parameter from 20 to 60, and then I built the plugin. After installing the newly-built plugin, the smoothness increased significantly (or as smooth as hell). I wonder why the author still haven't added the option to change the framerate. Maybe some side effects or something?

File changed:


Change FRAMES_PER_SECOND to whatever framerate value you want. I tried 60 withou noticing any bugs yet.

julienvincent commented 7 years ago

@arshcaria can you describe the steps you made to build + install?

arshcaria commented 7 years ago

You need IntelliJ Idea installed to build plugins.

I had ZERO Intellij plugin devel experience before. And I can't figure out how to import the plugin project. But no problem, I just created a new plugin project and put this repo's code to that plugin project. Follow this guide to create / debug / deploy a plugin project: http://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/basics/getting_started.html

Then you can build (ctrl+f9) and run (shift + f10) this project. If it works like what you want, you can then deploy the plugin JAR by clicking Build | Prepare Plugin Module for Deployment

Then you get a newly-generated JAR file in you project folder. Install this JAR to your Intellij Idea or Android Studio IDE.


opus1269 commented 7 years ago

An initial version of built in smooth scrolling is available. I haven't tried it yet, but hopefully this plugin will be unnecessary soon.


Kurre commented 7 years ago

Some time ago I did the same thing and it improved the experience a lot.

But now JetBrains is bringing us native smooth scrolling (eventually, hopefully we don't need to wait for long time).

It's already available in IDEA master: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-91965#comment=27-1800635


edit: ok, got ninja'd 🙂

arshcaria commented 7 years ago

That's great news. This plugin has some conflicts with Idea's breadcrumb feature. When clicking on the parent breadcrumb, the editor's view won't properly change to the parent. The higher framerate you set, the smaller the movement is.

I just saw some fresh commits on native smooth scrolling in Idea. Wish it could be stable. https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/commit/580a514b18de0d212c5f6344ac10523e6fb907c8

Kurre commented 7 years ago

True Smooth Scrolling feature seems to be a part of 2017.1 EAP builds (PHPStorm for me).

You need to add idea.true.smooth.scrolling=true to ~/.PhpStorm2107.1/idea.properties and enable Smooth scrolling in Settings - Editor - General to enable this True Smooth Scrolling feature. ...or at least it doesn't work without both options being set, so I assume it's really this aforementioned feature :slightly_smiling_face:

It doesn't feel perfect yet, but isn't bad either.

RomuloPBenedetti commented 6 years ago

We with non high precision mouses are still in need of this :/ not sure if Jetbrain will correct it.