opws / opws-dataset

Profiles for the user account systems of various sites.
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Update GoDaddy, move username.reminder.url #246

Closed stuartpb closed 7 years ago

stuartpb commented 7 years ago

Yes, it's bad that both of these changes are on the same commit, but I couldn't bring myself to add a username.reminder.url that was so obviously mis-mirroring password.reset.*.request.url.

stuartpb commented 7 years ago

Notes on profiling GoDaddy (I started using my dummy accounts repo more during this, and saved a couple of specimen emails - future PRs may look more like a link to that repo):

The registration form doesn't reject a username of... just five spaces?

Can't handle plus signs in an email address

Email address is auto-filled as a suggested username when changing input focus away from "valid" email

There legitimately do not appear to be restrictions on usernames: I picked s-->?://<script>alert(1)</script> (though I thought I put spaces in it, too).

registration sends a confirmation email

current and new password forms are show/hide independently, the change form links to the password reset page

invalid accounts in password reset are rejected with the email always highlighted as the problem

it looks like password reset might cause some kind of logout? or maybe my session just got too old?

now I tried logging in and I get a straight-up 403 plaintext "Access Denied" response when loading www.godaddy.com

the change password page doesn't work either so it looks like they banned the account, kek