opws / opws-dataset

Profiles for the user account systems of various sites.
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0
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Update Google #248

Closed stuartpb closed 7 years ago

stuartpb commented 7 years ago

I was honestly thiiis close to just removing the gmail.com profile altogether, since Google doesn't use the gmail.com domain for any web access to Gmail any more (everything redirects to a subdomain of google.com now). I ultimately decided to keep it, just because it's the last part of so many addresses and its absence could thus be confusing, but it was a tough decision.

Anyway, report:


perfunctory is gauged as a "strong" password, wtf?

Gender accepts "Female", "Male", "Other", and "Rather not say"

"Location" tooltipped as "Your country or territory of residence."

Stub address: https://accounts.google.com/SignUpDone?continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2FManageAccount&fvi=ogt0ab8yleEcFJZF3lO039tv6IuytAI&dsh=-7150238152944847725

Logged in after registering, unsurprisingly

The "Verify added address" email came before the "Your Gmail address has been created" email

Resetting password

Seems to have an "Enter the last password you remember" recovery method, which... still lets you pick an email address? Maybe this way you can send it to any email? Didn't test

It's probably a mechanism to let the user pick any email tied to the account, rather than having Google pick it

going through the "login trouble" path twice sends two emails, but both will have the same code

lol look how much less boilerplate the plaintext email has

Changing password via settings

The new password and new password confirmation when changing password are independently toggleable