oqyh / cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ

Kill Sound HeadShot BodyShot Quake Dink
34 stars 7 forks source link

Trouble to configure #1

Closed Lediak closed 8 months ago

Lediak commented 8 months ago


I dont know how to configure the sound, did i have to put these { // you can test any sound path ingame console type "play " // Sound Path will in https://github.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound/blob/main/sounds/sounds.txt //TO DISABLE MAKE IT "" empty "HeadShotSound": "sounds/training/bell_normal.vsnd_c" } image Can u tel me ? Thanks !

oqyh commented 8 months ago

hello Lediak,

download full zip at https://github.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound/releases/tag/1.0.0

then drop Kill_Sound in plugins folder csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/

after restart server

it will auto create config at configs/plugins folder will be Kill_Sound csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins

Lediak commented 8 months ago

Thx a loooooot !!! Its my first serveur and i didnt knew the config folder !

oqyh commented 8 months ago


Lediak commented 8 months ago

I'm sorry to bother you again. Can you explain to me how I connect a database to my csssharp plugins? Thanks in advance !!

oqyh commented 8 months ago

hi Lediak, join counterstrikesharp discord we will help you https://github.com/roflmuffin/CounterStrikeSharp?tab=readme-ov-file#counterstrikesharp