oracle-terraform-modules / terraform-oci-oke

The Terraform OKE Module Installer for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a Terraform module that provisions the necessary resources for Oracle Container Engine.
Universal Permissive License v1.0
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Error: Work Request error, Service: Containerengine Node Pool #745

Closed rodrigc closed 10 months ago

rodrigc commented 1 year ago

Community Note


When I use the following terraform against the 5.x to create a cluster, I got an error when creating the node pool.

Any idea how to resolve this?

Terraform Version and Provider Version

Terraform v1.3.9
on darwin_amd64
+ provider v2.3.2
+ provider v2.9.0
+ provider v3.2.1
+ provider v3.2.1
+ provider v3.5.1
+ provider v0.9.1
+ provider v5.1.0

Terraform Configuration Files

module "oke" {
  source = ""

  compartment_id = var.compartment_id
  tenancy_id     = var.tenancy_id

  ssh_private_key_path = var.ssh_private_key_path
  ssh_public_key_path  = var.ssh_public_key_path

  home_region = var.home_region
  region      = var.region

  cluster_name                = "craig_test_1"
  vcn_name                    = "craig_test_1"
  vcn_dns_label               = "craigtest1"
  kubernetes_version          = "v1.26.2"
  allow_pod_internet_access   = true
  create_bastion              = true
  create_operator = true

  worker_pools = {
    craig1 = {
      shape            = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex",
      ocpus            = 2,
      memory           = 8,
      size             = 3,
      boot_volume_size = 150,

  providers = {
    oci.home = oci.home

provider "oci" {
  fingerprint  = var.api_fingerprint
  private_key  = var.api_private_key
  region       = var.region
  tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_id
  user_ocid    = var.user_id

provider "oci" {
  fingerprint  = var.api_fingerprint
  private_key  = var.api_private_key
  region       = var.home_region
  tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_id
  user_ocid    = var.user_id
  alias        = "home"

# OCI Provider parameters
variable "api_fingerprint" {
  default     = ""
  description = "Fingerprint of the API private key to use with OCI API."
  type        = string

variable "api_private_key" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The contents of the private key file to use with OCI API, optionally base64-encoded. This takes precedence over private_key_path if both are specified in the provider."
  sensitive   = true
  type        = string

variable "api_private_key_password" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The corresponding private key password to use with the api private key if it is encrypted."
  sensitive   = true
  type        = string

variable "api_private_key_path" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The path to the OCI API private key."
  type        = string

variable "home_region" {
  # List of regions:
  description = "The tenancy's home region. Required to perform identity operations."
  type        = string

# Automatically populated by Resource Manager
variable "region" {
  # List of regions:
  description = "The OCI region where OKE resources will be created."
  type        = string

# Overrides Resource Manager
variable "tenancy_id" {
  description = "The tenancy id of the OCI Cloud Account in which to create the resources."
  type        = string
  default     = ""

variable "tenancy_ocid" {
  description = "A tenancy OCID automatically populated by Resource Manager."
  type        = string
  default     = ""

# Overrides Resource Manager
variable "user_id" {
  description = "The id of the user that terraform will use to create the resources."
  type        = string
  default     = ""

# Automatically populated by Resource Manager
variable "current_user_ocid" {
  description = "A user OCID automatically populated by Resource Manager."
  type        = string
  default     = ""

# General OCI parameters

# Overrides Resource Manager
variable "compartment_id" {
  description = "The compartment id where to create all resources."
  type        = string
  default     = ""

# Automatically populated by Resource Manager
variable "compartment_ocid" {
  description = "A compartment OCID automatically populated by Resource Manager."
  type        = string
  default     = ""

variable "label_prefix" {
  default     = "none"
  description = "A string that will be prepended to all resources."
  type        = string

# ssh keys
variable "ssh_private_key" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The contents of the private ssh key file, optionally base64-encoded."
  sensitive   = true
  type        = string

variable "ssh_private_key_path" {
  default     = "none"
  description = "The path to ssh private key."
  type        = string

variable "ssh_public_key" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The contents of the ssh public key."
  type        = string

variable "ssh_public_key_path" {
  default     = "none"
  description = "The path to ssh public key."
  type        = string

# vcn parameters

variable "create_vcn" {
  type        = bool
  description = "Whether to create a Virtual Cloud Network."
  default     = true

variable "vcn_display_name" {
  type        = string
  description = "Existing VCN name where the resources will be created"
  default     = ""

variable "vcn_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "Existing VCN id where the resources will be created"
  default     = ""


variable "ig_route_table_display_name" {
  type        = string
  description = "Existing Internet Gateway route table name"
  default     = ""

variable "ig_route_table_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "Existing Internet Gateway Route table id"
  default     = ""


variable "nat_route_table_display_name" {
  type        = string
  description = "Existing NAT Gateway route table name"
  default     = ""

variable "nat_route_table_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "Existing NAT Gateway Route table id"
  default     = ""

variable "create_drg" {
  description = "whether to create Dynamic Routing Gateway. If set to true, creates a Dynamic Routing Gateway and attach it to the VCN."
  type        = bool
  default     = false

variable "drg_display_name" {
  description = "(Updatable) Name of Dynamic Routing Gateway. Does not have to be unique."
  type        = string
  default     = "drg"

variable "drg_id" {
  description = "ID of an external created Dynamic Routing Gateway to be attached to the VCN"
  type        = string
  default     = null

variable "remote_peering_connections" {
  description = "Map of parameters to add and optionally to peer to remote peering connections. Key-only items represent local acceptors and no peering attempted; items containing key and values represent local requestor and must have the OCID and region of the remote acceptor to peer to"
  type        = map(any)
  default     = {}

variable "internet_gateway_route_rules" {
  description = "(Updatable) List of routing rules to add to Internet Gateway Route Table"
  type        = list(map(string))
  default     = null

variable "local_peering_gateways" {
  description = "Map of Local Peering Gateways to attach to the VCN."
  type        = map(any)
  default     = null

variable "lockdown_default_seclist" {
  description = "whether to remove all default security rules from the VCN Default Security List"
  default     = true
  type        = bool

variable "nat_gateway_route_rules" {
  description = "(Updatable) List of routing rules to add to NAT Gateway Route Table"
  type        = list(map(string))
  default     = null

variable "nat_gateway_public_ip_id" {
  description = "OCID of reserved IP address for NAT gateway. The reserved public IP address needs to be manually created."
  default     = "none"
  type        = string

variable "subnets" {
  description = "parameters to cidrsubnet function to calculate subnet masks within the VCN."
  default = {
    bastion  = { netnum = 0, newbits = 13 }
    operator = { netnum = 1, newbits = 13 }
    cp       = { netnum = 2, newbits = 13 }
    int_lb   = { netnum = 16, newbits = 11 }
    pub_lb   = { netnum = 17, newbits = 11 }
    workers  = { netnum = 1, newbits = 2 }
    pods     = { netnum = 2, newbits = 2 }
    fss      = { netnum = 18, newbits = 11 }
  type = map(any)

variable "vcn_cidrs" {
  default     = [""]
  description = "The list of IPv4 CIDR blocks the VCN will use."
  type        = list(string)

variable "vcn_dns_label" {
  default     = "oke"
  description = "A DNS label for the VCN, used in conjunction with the VNIC's hostname and subnet's DNS label to form a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for each VNIC within this subnet. DNS resolution of hostnames in the VCN is disabled when null."
  type        = string

variable "assign_dns" {
  default     = true
  description = "Whether to assign DNS records to created instances"
  type        = bool

variable "vcn_name" {
  default     = "oke-vcn"
  description = "name of vcn"
  type        = string

# bastion host parameters
variable "create_bastion_host" {
  default     = true
  description = "Whether to create a bastion host."
  type        = bool

variable "bastion_public_ip" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The IP address of an existing bastion host, if create_bastion_host: false."
  type        = string

variable "bastion_access" {
  default     = ["anywhere"]
  description = "A list of CIDR blocks to which ssh access to the bastion host must be restricted. *anywhere* is equivalent to and allows ssh access from anywhere."
  type        = list(string)

variable "bastion_image_id" {
  default     = "Autonomous"
  description = "The image id to use for bastion."
  type        = string

variable "bastion_os_version" {
  description = "In case Autonomous Linux is used, allow specification of Autonomous version"
  default     = "8.7"
  type        = string

variable "bastion_user" {
  default     = "opc"
  description = "User for SSH access through bastion host."
  type        = string

variable "bastion_shape" {
  default = {
    shape            = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex",
    ocpus            = 1,
    memory           = 4,
    boot_volume_size = 50
  description = "The shape of bastion instance."
  type        = map(any)

variable "bastion_state" {
  description = "The target state for the bastion instance. Could be set to RUNNING or STOPPED. (Updatable)"
  default     = "RUNNING"
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["RUNNING", "STOPPED"], var.bastion_state)
    error_message = "Accepted values are RUNNING or STOPPED."

variable "bastion_timezone" {
  default     = "Etc/UTC"
  description = "The preferred timezone for the bastion host."
  type        = string

variable "bastion_type" {
  description = "Whether to make the bastion host public or private."
  default     = "public"
  type        = string

  validation {
    condition     = contains(["public", "private"], var.bastion_type)
    error_message = "Accepted values are public or private."

variable "upgrade_bastion" {
  default     = true
  description = "Whether to upgrade the bastion host packages after provisioning. it’s useful to set this to false during development so the bastion is provisioned faster."
  type        = bool

## bastion notification parameters
variable "enable_bastion_notification" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to enable notification on the bastion host."
  type        = bool

variable "bastion_notification_endpoint" {
  default     = "none"
  description = "The subscription notification endpoint for the bastion. The email address to be notified."
  type        = string

variable "bastion_notification_protocol" {
  default     = "EMAIL"
  description = "The notification protocol used."
  type        = string

variable "bastion_notification_topic" {
  default     = "bastion"
  description = "The name of the notification topic."
  type        = string

# bastion service parameters
variable "create_bastion_service" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to create a bastion service that allows access to private hosts."
  type        = bool

variable "bastion_service_access" {
  default     = [""]
  description = "A list of CIDR blocks to which ssh access to the bastion service must be restricted. *anywhere* is equivalent to and allows ssh access from anywhere."
  type        = list(string)

variable "bastion_service_name" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The name of the bastion service."
  type        = string

variable "bastion_service_target_subnet" {
  default     = "operator"
  description = "The name of the subnet that the bastion service can connect to."
  type        = string

# operator host parameters

variable "create_operator" {
  default     = true
  description = "Whether to create an operator server in a private subnet."
  type        = bool

variable "operator_image_id" {
  default     = "Oracle"
  description = "The image id to use for operator server. Set either an image id or to Oracle. If value is set to Oracle, the default Oracle Linux platform image will be used."
  type        = string

variable "operator_volume_kms_id" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The OCID of the OCI KMS key to assign as the master encryption key for the boot volume."
  type        = string

variable "enable_operator_pv_encryption_in_transit" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume's paravirtualized attachment."
  type        = bool

variable "enable_operator_instance_principal" {
  default     = true
  description = "Whether to enable the operator to call OCI API services without requiring api key."
  type        = bool

variable "operator_nsg_ids" {
  description = "An optional and updatable list of network security groups that the operator will be part of."
  type        = list(string)
  default     = []

variable "operator_os_version" {
  default     = "8"
  description = "The Oracle Linux version to use for the operator host"
  type        = string

variable "operator_user" {
  default     = "opc"
  description = "User for SSH access to operator host."
  type        = string

variable "operator_shape" {
  default = {
    shape            = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex",
    ocpus            = 1,
    memory           = 4,
    boot_volume_size = 50
  description = "The shape of operator instance."
  type        = map(any)

variable "operator_state" {
  description = "The target state for the operator instance. Could be set to RUNNING or STOPPED. (Updatable)"
  default     = "RUNNING"
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["RUNNING", "STOPPED"], var.operator_state)
    error_message = "Accepted values are RUNNING or STOPPED."


variable "operator_timezone" {
  default     = "Etc/UTC"
  description = "The preferred timezone for the operator host."
  type        = string

variable "upgrade_operator" {
  default     = true
  description = "Whether to upgrade the operator packages after provisioning. It’s useful to set this to false during development so the operator is provisioned faster."
  type        = bool

variable "operator_private_ip" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The IP address of an existing operator host, if create_operator: false."
  type        = string

## operator notification parameters
variable "enable_operator_notification" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to enable notification on the operator host."
  type        = bool

variable "operator_notification_endpoint" {
  default     = "none"
  description = "The subscription notification endpoint for the operator. Email address to be notified."
  type        = string

variable "operator_notification_protocol" {
  default     = "EMAIL"
  description = "The notification protocol used."
  type        = string

variable "operator_notification_topic" {
  description = "The name of the notification topic."
  default     = "operator"
  type        = string

# availability domains
variable "availability_domains" {
  description = "Availability Domains where to provision non-OKE resources"
  default = {
    bastion  = 1
    operator = 1
    fss      = 1
  type = map(any)

# oke cluster options
variable "admission_controller_options" {
  default = {
    PodSecurityPolicy = false
  description = "various Admission Controller options"
  type        = map(bool)

variable "allow_node_port_access" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to allow access to NodePorts when worker nodes are deployed in public mode."
  type        = bool

variable "allow_worker_internet_access" {
  default     = true
  description = "Allow worker nodes to egress to internet. Required if container images are in a registry other than OCIR."
  type        = bool

variable "allow_pod_internet_access" {
  default     = true
  description = "Allow pods to egress to internet. Required if the pods are invoking Internet services."
  type        = bool

variable "allow_worker_ssh_access" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to allow ssh access to worker nodes."
  type        = bool

variable "cluster_name" {
  default     = "oke"
  description = "The name of oke cluster."
  type        = string

variable "cluster_type" {
  default     = "basic"
  description = "The cluster type. See <a href=>Working with Enhanced Clusters and Basic Clusters</a> for more information."
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["basic", "enhanced"], lower(var.cluster_type))
    error_message = "Accepted values are 'basic' or 'enhanced'."

variable "cni_type" {
  # Keep flannel as default so users can upgrade without impact. Give a grace period for users to plan and change
  default     = "flannel"
  description = "The CNI for the cluster. Choose between flannel or npn."
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["flannel", "npn"], var.cni_type)
    error_message = "Accepted values are flannel or npn."

variable "control_plane_type" {
  default     = "public"
  description = "Whether to allow public or private access to the control plane endpoint"
  type        = string

  validation {
    condition     = contains(["public", "private"], var.control_plane_type)
    error_message = "Accepted values are public, or private."

variable "control_plane_allowed_cidrs" {
  default     = []
  description = "The list of CIDR blocks from which the control plane can be accessed."
  type        = list(string)

variable "control_plane_nsgs" {
  default     = []
  description = "An additional list of network security groups (NSG) ids for the cluster endpoint that can be created subsequently."
  type        = list(string)

variable "dashboard_enabled" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to enable kubernetes dashboard."
  type        = bool

variable "kubernetes_version" {
  default     = "v1.24.1"
  description = "The version of kubernetes to use when provisioning OKE or to upgrade an existing OKE cluster to."
  type        = string

variable "max_pods_per_node" {
  default     = 31
  description = "The maximum number of pods to deploy per node. Absolute maximum is 110. Applies only when CNI type is npn."
  type        = number

variable "pods_cidr" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The CIDR range used for IP addresses by the pods. A /16 CIDR is generally sufficient. This CIDR should not overlap with any subnet range in the VCN (it can also be outside the VCN CIDR range)."
  type        = string

variable "services_cidr" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The CIDR range used by exposed Kubernetes services (ClusterIPs). This CIDR should not overlap with the VCN CIDR range."
  type        = string

## oke cluster kms integration
variable "create_policies" {
  description = "Whether to create OCI IAM policies for KMS or dynamic groups."
  default     = true
  type        = bool

variable "use_cluster_encryption" {
  description = "Whether to use OCI KMS to encrypt Kubernetes secrets."
  default     = false
  type        = bool

variable "cluster_kms_key_id" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The id of the OCI KMS key to be used as the master encryption key for Kubernetes secrets encryption."
  type        = string

variable "use_node_pool_volume_encryption" {
  description = "Whether to use OCI KMS to encrypt Kubernetes Nodepool's boot/block volume."
  type        = bool
  default     = false

variable "node_pool_volume_kms_key_id" {
  default     = ""
  description = "The id of the OCI KMS key to be used as the master encryption key for Boot Volume and Block Volume encryption."
  type        = string

## oke cluster container image policy and keys
variable "use_signed_images" {
  description = "Whether to enforce the use of signed images. If set to true, at least 1 RSA key must be provided through image_signing_keys."
  default     = false
  type        = bool

variable "image_signing_keys" {
  description = "A list of KMS key ids used by the worker nodes to verify signed images. The keys must use RSA algorithm."
  type        = list(string)
  default     = []

# node pools
variable "check_node_active" {
  description = "check worker node is active"
  type        = string
  default     = "none"

  validation {
    condition     = contains(["none", "one", "all"], var.check_node_active)
    error_message = "Accepted values are none, one or all."

variable "enable_pv_encryption_in_transit" {
  description = "Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume's paravirtualized attachment. This field applies to both block volumes and boot volumes. The default value is false"
  type        = bool
  default     = false

variable "cloudinit_nodepool" {
  description = "Cloudinit script specific to nodepool"
  type        = map(any)
  default     = {}

variable "cloudinit_nodepool_common" {
  description = "Cloudinit script common to all nodepool when cloudinit_nodepool  is not provided"
  type        = string
  default     = ""

variable "kubeproxy_mode" {
  default     = "iptables"
  description = "The mode in which to run kube-proxy."
  type        = string

  validation {
    condition     = contains(["iptables", "ipvs"], var.kubeproxy_mode)
    error_message = "Accepted values are iptables or ipvs."
variable "node_pools" {
  default     = {}
  description = "Tuple of node pools. Each key maps to a node pool. Each value is a tuple of shape (string),ocpus(number) , node_pool_size(number) and boot_volume_size(number)"
  type        = any

variable "node_pool_image_id" {
  default     = "none"
  description = "The ocid of a custom image to use for worker node."
  type        = string

variable "node_pool_image_type" {
  default     = "oke"
  description = "Whether to use a Platform, OKE or custom image. When custom is set, the node_pool_image_id must be specified."
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["custom", "oke", "platform"], var.node_pool_image_type)
    error_message = "Accepted values are custom, oke, platform."

variable "node_pool_name_prefix" {
  default     = "np"
  description = "The prefix of the node pool name."
  type        = string

variable "node_pool_os" {
  default     = "Oracle Linux"
  description = "The name of image to use."
  type        = string

variable "node_pool_os_version" {
  default     = "7.9"
  description = "The version of operating system to use for the worker nodes."
  type        = string

variable "node_pool_timezone" {
  default     = "Etc/UTC"
  description = "The preferred timezone for the worker nodes."
  type        = string

variable "ignore_label_prefix_in_node_pool_names" {
  default     = false
  description = "While using label_prefix to add a prefix to many OCI resource names, do not use the label_prefix when naming each node pool. This frees up more characters for the nodepool name. Current limit to node pool name is 32 characters."
  type        = bool

variable "worker_nsgs" {
  default     = []
  description = "An additional list of network security groups (NSG) ids for the worker nodes that can be created subsequently."
  type        = list(any)

variable "worker_type" {
  default     = "private"
  description = "Whether to provision public or private workers."
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["public", "private"], var.worker_type)
    error_message = "Accepted values are public or private."

# upgrade of existing node pools
variable "upgrade_nodepool" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to upgrade the Kubernetes version of the node pools."
  type        = bool

variable "node_pools_to_drain" {
  default     = ["none"]
  description = "List of node pool names to drain during an upgrade. This list is used to determine the worker nodes to drain."
  type        = list(string)

variable "nodepool_upgrade_method" {
  default     = "out_of_place"
  description = "The upgrade method to use when upgrading to a new version. Only out-of-place supported at the moment."
  type        = string

# oke load balancers

## waf
variable "enable_waf" {
  description = "Whether to enable WAF monitoring of load balancers"
  type        = bool
  default     = false

variable "load_balancers" {
  # values: both, internal, public
  default     = "public"
  description = "The type of subnets to create for load balancers."
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["public", "internal", "both"], var.load_balancers)
    error_message = "Accepted values are public, internal or both."

variable "preferred_load_balancer" {
  # values: public, internal.
  # When creating an internal load balancer, the internal annotation must still be specified regardless
  default     = "public"
  description = "The preferred load balancer subnets that OKE will automatically choose when creating a load balancer. valid values are public or internal. if 'public' is chosen, the value for load_balancers must be either 'public' or 'both'. If 'private' is chosen, the value for load_balancers must be either 'internal' or 'both'."
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["public", "internal"], var.preferred_load_balancer)
    error_message = "Accepted values are public or internal."

## Allowed cidrs and ports for load balancers
variable "internal_lb_allowed_cidrs" {
  default     = [""]
  description = "The list of CIDR blocks from which the internal load balancer can be accessed."
  type        = list(string)

  validation {
    condition     = length(var.internal_lb_allowed_cidrs) > 0
    error_message = "At least 1 CIDR block is required."

variable "internal_lb_allowed_ports" {
  default     = [80, 443]
  description = "List of allowed ports for internal load balancers."
  type        = list(any)

  validation {
    condition     = length(var.internal_lb_allowed_ports) > 0
    error_message = "At least 1 port is required."

variable "public_lb_allowed_cidrs" {
  default     = [""]
  description = "The list of CIDR blocks from which the public load balancer can be accessed."
  type        = list(string)

  validation {
    condition     = length(var.public_lb_allowed_cidrs) > 0
    error_message = "At least 1 CIDR block is required."

variable "public_lb_allowed_ports" {
  default     = [443]
  description = "List of allowed ports for public load balancers."
  type        = list(any)

  validation {
    condition     = length(var.public_lb_allowed_ports) > 0
    error_message = "At least 1 port is required."

variable "create_fss" {
  description = "Whether to enable provisioning for FSS"
  default     = false
  type        = bool

# fss mount path
variable "fss_mount_path" {
  description = "FSS mount path to be associated"
  default     = "/oke_fss"
  type        = string

# Controls the maximum tbytes, fbytes, and abytes, values reported by NFS FSSTAT calls through any associated mount targets.
variable "max_fs_stat_bytes" {
  description = "Maximum tbytes, fbytes, and abytes, values reported by NFS FSSTAT calls through any associated mount targets"
  default     = 23843202333
  type        = number

# Controls the maximum tfiles, ffiles, and afiles values reported by NFS FSSTAT calls through any associated mount targets.
variable "max_fs_stat_files" {
  description = "Maximum tfiles, ffiles, and afiles values reported by NFS FSSTAT"
  default     = 223442
  type        = number

# ocir

variable "email_address" {
  default     = "none"
  description = "The email address used for OCIR."
  type        = string

variable "secret_id" {
  description = "The OCID of the Secret on OCI Vault which holds the authentication token."
  type        = string
  default     = "none"

variable "secret_name" {
  description = "The name of the Kubernetes secret that will hold the authentication token"
  type        = string
  default     = "ocirsecret"

variable "secret_namespace" {
  default     = "default"
  description = "The Kubernetes namespace for where the OCIR secret will be created."
  type        = string

variable "username" {
  default     = "none"
  description = "The username that can login to the selected tenancy. This is different from tenancy_id. *Required* if secret_id is set."
  type        = string

# calico
variable "enable_calico" {
  description = "Whether to install calico for network pod security policy"
  default     = false
  type        = bool

variable "calico_version" {
  description = "The version of Calico to install"
  default     = "3.24.1"
  type        = string

variable "calico_mode" {
  description = "The type of Calico manifest to install"
  default     = "policy-only"
  validation {
    condition     = contains(["policy-only", "canal", "vxlan", "ipip", "flannel-migration"], var.calico_mode)
    error_message = "Accepted values are policy-only, canal, vxlan, ipip, or flannel-migration."

variable "calico_mtu" {
  description = "Interface MTU for Calico device(s) (0 = auto)"
  default     = 0
  type        = number

variable "calico_url" {
  description = "Optionally override the Calico manifest URL (empty string = auto)"
  default     = ""
  type        = string

variable "calico_apiserver_enabled" {
  description = "Whether to enable the Calico apiserver"
  default     = false
  type        = bool

variable "typha_enabled" {
  description = "Whether to enable Typha (automatically enabled for > 50 nodes)"
  default     = false
  type        = bool

variable "typha_replicas" {
  description = "The number of replicas for the Typha deployment (0 = auto)"
  default     = 0
  type        = number

variable "calico_staging_dir" {
  description = "Directory on the operator instance to stage Calico install files"
  default     = "/tmp/calico_install"
  type        = string

# horizontal and vertical pod autoscaling
variable "enable_metric_server" {
  description = "Whether to install metricserver for collecting metrics and for HPA"
  default     = false
  type        = bool

variable "enable_vpa" {
  description = "Whether to install vertical pod autoscaler"
  default     = false
  type        = bool

variable "vpa_version" {
  description = "The version of vertical pod autoscaler to install"
  default     = "0.8"

variable "enable_gatekeeper" {
  type        = bool
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to install Gatekeeper"

variable "gatekeeper_version" {
  type        = string
  default     = "3.7"
  description = "The version of Gatekeeper to install"

# serviceaccount

variable "create_service_account" {
  description = "Whether to create a service account. A service account is required for CI/CD. see"
  default     = false
  type        = bool

variable "service_account_name" {
  description = "The name of service account to create"
  default     = "kubeconfigsa"
  type        = string

variable "service_account_namespace" {
  description = "The Kubernetes namespace where to create the service account"
  default     = "kube-system"
  type        = string

variable "service_account_cluster_role_binding" {
  description = "The cluster role binding name"
  default     = "cluster-admin"
  type        = string

# tagging
variable "freeform_tags" {
  default = {
    # vcn, bastion and operator tags are required
    # add more tags in each as desired
    vcn      = {}
    bastion  = {}
    operator = {}
    oke = {
      cluster           = {}
      persistent_volume = {}
      service_lb        = {}
      node_pool         = {}
      node              = {}
  description = "Tags to apply to different resources."
  type = object({
    vcn      = map(any),
    bastion  = map(any),
    operator = map(any),
    oke      = map(map(any))

variable "defined_tags" {
  default = {
    # vcn, oke are required
    # add more tags in each as desired
    vcn = {}
    oke = {
      cluster           = {}
      persistent_volume = {}
      service_lb        = {}
      node_pool         = {}
      node              = {}
  description = "Tags to apply to different resources."
  type = object({
    vcn = map(any),
    oke = map(any)

# Cluster autoscaler
variable "enable_cluster_autoscaler" {
  description = "Enable Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler"
  type        = bool
  default     = false

variable "autoscaler_pools" {
  description = "Node pool for the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler"
  type        = any
  default = {
    # 1 autoscaler pool by Kubernetes version
    asp_v123 = {}

# placeholder variable for debugging scripts. To be implemented in future
variable "debug_mode" {
  default     = false
  description = "Whether to turn on debug mode."
  type        = bool

Debug Output

module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_containerengine_node_pool.workers["craigtest1"]: Still creating... [25m3s elapsed]
β”‚ Error: Work Request error
β”‚ Provider version: 5.1.0, released on 2023-06-13. This provider is 1 Update(s) behind to current.
β”‚ Service: Containerengine Node Pool
β”‚ Error Message: work request did not succeed, workId: ocid1.clustersworkrequest.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaa7itibaxpkb6vwce46oqhdxbzadamfmrvucnr7jeyownplmj2izia, entity: nodepool, action: CREATED. Message: 1 nodes(s) register timeout. First, confirm that network prerequisites have been met. If network prerequisites have been met, troubleshoot the problem by running the Node Doctor script on the node(s) experiencing the issue, using either SSH or the Run Command feature. If you cannot resolve the issue using the troubleshooting output from the Node Doctor script, open a Service Request with My Oracle Support and upload the support bundle (a .tar file) to the support ticket. For more information, see and
β”‚ Resource OCID: ocid1.nodepool.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaqz3dxn3ebgu5ozpipq6i7yganqjz7f3apidgedqjwnexwovlaava
β”‚ Suggestion: Please retry or contact support for help with service: Containerengine Node Pool
β”‚   with module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_containerengine_node_pool.workers["elastic1"],
β”‚   on .terraform/modules/oke/modules/workers/ line 5, in resource "oci_containerengine_node_pool" "workers":
β”‚    5: resource "oci_containerengine_node_pool" "workers" {

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform apply
rodrigc commented 1 year ago

Tried again and got this:

β”‚ Error: Work Request error
β”‚ Provider version: 5.1.0, released on 2023-06-13. This provider is 1 Update(s) behind to current.
β”‚ Service: Containerengine Node Pool
β”‚ Error Message: work request did not succeed, workId: ocid1.clustersworkrequest.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaao5hm33jjm7bxdvvrzogqkzveg5hvmjswoadb6cfdqwlafc36c4xa, entity: nodepool, action: CREATED. Message: 1 nodes(s) register timeout. First, confirm that network prerequisites have been met. If network prerequisites have been met, troubleshoot the problem by running the Node Doctor script on the node(s) experiencing the issue, using either SSH or the Run Command feature. If you cannot resolve the issue using the troubleshooting output from the Node Doctor script, open a Service Request with My Oracle Support and upload the support bundle (a .tar file) to the support ticket. For more information, see and
β”‚ Resource OCID: ocid1.nodepool.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaa44vawsysnzgwkgzhmyksnpx4v6izetwxxe4ql62pqnibqw7ruawa
β”‚ Suggestion: Please retry or contact support for help with service: Containerengine Node Pool
β”‚   with module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_containerengine_node_pool.workers["elastic1"],
β”‚   on .terraform/modules/oke/modules/workers/ line 5, in resource "oci_containerengine_node_pool" "workers":
β”‚    5: resource "oci_containerengine_node_pool" "workers" {

I tried to look at the clustersworkrequest but but got this:

oci  disaster-recovery work-request-error list --work-request-id ocid1.clustersworkrequest.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaao5hm33jjm7bxdvvrzogqkzveg5hvmjswoadb6cfdqwlafc36c4xa --all
    "client_version": "Oracle-PythonSDK/2.104.3, Oracle-PythonCLI/3.29.1",
    "code": "NotAuthorizedOrNotFound",
    "logging_tips": "Please run the OCI CLI command using --debug flag to find more debug information.",
    "message": "Authorization failed or requested resource not found.",
    "opc-request-id": "EFA36A62792D43C19A00EF23E6D2E146/CCC3FB030DF35AEB4116BD560A3D82E7/A835F36F6A12786B3F452F8AE7F26BD7",
    "operation_name": "list_work_request_errors",
    "request_endpoint": "GET",
    "status": 404,
    "target_service": "disaster_recovery",
    "timestamp": "2023-06-22T04:54:39.522041+00:00",
    "troubleshooting_tips": "See [] for more information about resolving this error. If you are unable to resolve this issue, run this CLI command with --debug option and contact Oracle support and provide them the full error message."
devoncrouse commented 1 year ago

It looks like the cluster for the referenced nodepool was deleted. Taking a look at your latest output now.

devoncrouse commented 1 year ago

Here's the oci CLI call for OKE work requests:

  oci ce work-request-error --compartment-id ... --work-request-id ...
devoncrouse commented 1 year ago
"Node ocid1.instance.oc1.iad.... register timeout",
devoncrouse commented 1 year ago

This is typically related to NSG configuration that should be allowing worker <-> control plane communication. The default should be permitting this - are you able to see if there's a worker NSG on the created instances?

rodrigc commented 1 year ago

OK, I ran this:

oci ce work-request-error list --work-request-id ocid1.clustersworkrequest.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaao5hm33jjm7bxdvvrzogqkzveg5hvmjswoadb6cfdqwlafc36c4xa --compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaat5p4apgxiol5piajviglcfgozlvpbe4d6v2prlbme66zrv7k7gtq

and got this:

 oci ce work-request-error list --work-request-id ocid1.clustersworkrequest.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaao5hm33jjm7bxdvvrzogqkzveg5hvmjswoadb6cfdqwlafc36c4xa --compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaat5p4apgxiol5piajviglcfgozlvpbe4d6v2prlbme66zrv7k7gtq
  "data": [
      "code": "GetWorkRequestGeneric",
      "message": "1 nodes(s) register timeout. First, confirm that network prerequisites have been met. If network prerequisites have been met, troubleshoot the problem by running the Node Doctor script on the node(s) experiencing the issue, using either SSH or the Run Command feature. If you cannot resolve the issue using the troubleshooting output from the Node Doctor script, open a Service Request with My Oracle Support and upload the support bundle (a .tar file) to the support ticket. For more information, see and",
      "timestamp": "2023-06-22T04:30:06+00:00"

I'm not sure how to diagnose that...

rodrigc commented 1 year ago

This is typically related to NSG configuration that should be allowing worker <-> control plane communication. The default should be permitting this - are you able to see if there's a worker NSG on the created instances?

How do I list the NSG configuration?

The cluster id is:

rodrigc commented 1 year ago

@devoncrouse any idea about this? Is it better for me to file a ticket at vs. having this issue open in GitHub?

devoncrouse commented 1 year ago

Hi @rodrigc, you can try:

$ oci network nsg list -c ocid1.compartment...

Or it may be easier to look at the instance in the console UI e.g. [](): image

rodrigc commented 1 year ago

oci network nsg list --compartment-id XXX

shows me nothing

rodrigc commented 10 months ago

Error not reproducible with latest 5.x branch of this module. Most likely fixed by