Install the python-oracledb driver for Oracle Database
because the driver comes with both Thin and Thick modes.
Change the install command to the more generic
python3 -m pip install oracledb
Change the code to:
import oracledb
conn = oracledb.connect(user="admin", password="<my_adw_admin_password>", dsn="my_adw_medium", config_dir="/scratch/tls_wallet", wallet_location="/scratch/tls_wallet", wallet_password="***")
cr = conn.cursor()
r = cr.execute("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL")
It's better to separate the credentials and not stuff them in the DSN.
Technically the config_dir param isn't needed if the users followed the instructions and set TNS_ADMIN. But users may miss that step, and it won't hurt to set it again.
because the driver comes with both Thin and Thick modes.
Technically the
param isn't needed if the users followed the instructions and set TNS_ADMIN. But users may miss that step, and it won't hurt to set it again.