oracle / coherence-operator

Oracle Coherence Operator
Universal Permissive License v1.0
96 stars 26 forks source link

Add ability to support global label which can be added to all resources created by coherence operator #642

Closed ripun closed 5 months ago

ripun commented 6 months ago

We are using coherence operator to manage our coherence cluster and below are the versions what we are using COHERENCE_IMAGE: coherence-ce:23.09.2 OPERATOR_IMAGE: coherence-operator:3.3.2

We are installing coherence alongwith our helidon based application but we see that coherence container is failing because coherence operator is failing to create ‘coherence-wka’ service since at K8S cluster level we have admission webhook enabled which requires all resources created in our OKE namespace must have calico-usage: defined we are having below error so please add ability which can enable operator to create resources in K8S with label as provided by user

2024-02-23T13:56:00Z ERROR controllers.Coherence Secondary Reconciler failed {"namespace": "xyz-ns", "name": "abc", "Reconciler": "controllers.Service", "error": "failed to create Service/abc-wka: admission webhook \"validation.gatekeeper. sh\" denied the request: [xyz-required-label-calico] All resources must have a specified label calico-usage: xyz-calico", "errorVerbose": "admission webhook \"\" denied the request: [xyz-required-label-calico] All resources must have a specified label calico-usage: xyz-calico\nfailed to create Service/abc-wka\*ReconcileSecondaryResource).Create\n\\*ReconcileSecondaryResource).ReconcileSingleResource\n\\*ReconcileSecondaryResource).ReconcileAllResourceOfKind\n\\*CoherenceReconciler).Reconcile\n\\*Controller).Reconcile\n\\*Controller).reconcileHandler\n\\*Controller).processNextWorkItem\n\\*Controller).Start.func2.2\n\\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_arm64.s:1197"}*CoherenceReconciler).Reconcile*Controller).Reconcile

Add ability at global level to support adding label which can be added to all resources created by coherence operator

thegridman commented 5 months ago

Fixed in 3.3.3