oracle / fastr

A high-performance implementation of the R programming language, built on GraalVM.
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fastR slower than GNU R #195

Open abhinaynagpal opened 2 years ago

abhinaynagpal commented 2 years ago

library('forecast') data("AirPassengers") time_func <- function() { startTime <- Sys.time() mymodel <- auto.arima(AirPassengers) myforecast <- forecast(mymodel, level=c(95), h=10*12) endTime <- Sys.time() print(endTime - startTime) }


GNU R takes 1 second VS fastR : 3.9 seconds, any pointers how this can be optimized?

abhinaynagpal commented 2 years ago

I had also tried /opt/java/graalvm/languages/R/bin/R --R.BackEnd=llvm

library('forecast') Warning message: Loading of '/root/R/x8664-pc-linux-gnu-library/fastr-21.3.0-4.0/lmtest/libs/' in LLVM mode failed. You may load this package via the native mode by adding it to /opt/java/graalvm/languages/R/etc/native-packages or by running FastR with option --R.BackEndNative=packageName. Error in polyglot evaluation : External LLVMFunction pan cannot be found.

abh1nay commented 2 years ago

On a related note will integration with this help?