oracle / fastr

A high-performance implementation of the R programming language, built on GraalVM.
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Build errors #4

Closed NoahMarconi closed 8 years ago

NoahMarconi commented 8 years ago

Hi, do you know what could be causing the build to fail? I see a few warnings:

8 warnings
Compiling with javac-daemon... [dependency TRUFFLE_R_PARSER_PROCESSOR updated]
Compiling with javac-daemon... [dependency TRUFFLE_DSL_PROCESSOR updated]
Downloading JFFI from ['', '']
Downloading to C:\Users\Noah\.mx\cache\JFFI_93294973285d2977c41fb1cfcfa864d41b145498.jar
Error reading from HTTP Error 404: Not Found
** If behind a firewall without direct internet access, use the http_proxy environment variable (e.g. "env mx ...") or download manually with a web browser.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\mx\/", line 12984, in <module>
  File "C:\mx\/", line 12968, in main
    retcode = c(command_args)
  File "C:\fastr\mx.fastr\", line 238, in build
    return mx_jvm().build(args)
  File "C:\fastr\mx.fastr\", line 57, in build
  File "C:\mx\/", line 8511, in build
  File "C:\mx\/", line 607, in execute
  File "C:\mx\/", line 2657, in build
  File "C:\mx\/", line 2609, in get_path
    return download_file_with_sha1(, path, urls, self.sha1, sha1path, resolve, not self.optional, canSymlink=not bootClassPathAgent)
  File "C:\mx\/", line 2321, in download_file_with_sha1
    download(cachePath, urls)
  File "C:\mx\/", line 8242, in download
WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:\\Users\\Noah\\.mx\\cache\\JFFI_93294973285d2977c41fb1cfcfa864d41b145498.jar.qpwoug'

>[py27] C:\fastr>mx r

>[py27] C:\fastr>python C:\mx\/ r
bash: C:fastretcldpaths: No such file or directory
etc/ldpaths does not define LD_LIBRARY_PATH

I'm not sure if it's the jffi 404 causing the failure or me trying to build on windows 8. I can run a VM if some kind of linux box would work better.

re the jffi 404 I don't see a 1.2.9 in that directory but do see a 1.2.7 if that helps pinpoint the problem.

lukasstadler commented 8 years ago

we currently do not support Windows as a platform, only linux, mac and solaris. the error message is not really helpful - we will add a check that produces a proper message.

NoahMarconi commented 8 years ago

Thanks! I'll try a linux build.

lukasstadler commented 8 years ago

make sure to install libreadline-dev and gfortran - those are the two pieces that are usually missing on a vanilla linux installation.