oracle / node-oracledb

Oracle Database driver for Node.js maintained by Oracle Corp.
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[Error: ORA-01843: not a valid month] #1179

Closed MrBayene closed 4 years ago

MrBayene commented 4 years ago
  1. Review the user manual

2. Describe the problem Using SQLdeveloper I can run this query without problem: update offer set startdate = '2019-10-01' where OFFER_ID =17160668

But when i try to do it with a js script I get a "[Error: ORA-01843: not a valid month]".

This is command I run:

await run("update offer set startdate = '2019-10-01' where OFFER_ID = 17160668");

where the run function is as follows:

async function run(query) {
    let connection;
    const connectionString =**********
    try {
        connection = await oracledb.getConnection({
            user: **********,
            password: **********,
            connectString: connectionString
        let result = await connection.execute(query);
        return result;
    } catch (err) {
    } finally {
        if (connection) {
            try {
                await connection.close();
            } catch (err) {

Worth mentioning is that I can other updates that don't involve date. and basically any other query. But somehow the formating of the date gives me that error.

DO you guys have any help?

BR /Ivan

dmcghan commented 4 years ago

The way the code is written, you're passing a string to a date field. Oracle is trying to do implicit data conversion using the default date format mask for your session. You can see the value with:

select value
from nls_session_parameters
where parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT'

That value does not match the format you're using in the string, hence the error.

Here are two options:

Both of those options are explicit. What you don't want to do is rely on implicit formats (e.g. use TO_DATE without a format mask, which implicitly uses NLS_DATE_FORMAT): to_date('01/10/2019'). This will break if someone changes the NLS_DATE_FORMAT value.

cjbj commented 4 years ago

There are a couple of other solutions that may have their place.

At the environment level you can do something like:

export NLS_LANG=.AL32UTF8
node myapp.js

Note that if you don't set NLS_LANG, then NLS_DATE_FORMAT is not checked.

Alternatively you can run an ALTER statement after connecting:

await connection.execute(`alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD'`);

The problem with this is that it adds the costs of another statement execution. With long-lived connection pools, this can be reduced to a trivial overhead by using a sessionCallback, see Connection Tagging and Session State.

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