oracle / node-oracledb

Oracle Database driver for Node.js maintained by Oracle Corp.
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Memory leak in deqMany #1524

Open boriborm opened 1 year ago

boriborm commented 1 year ago
  1. What versions are you using?

Platform: linux Node version: v14.17.6 Architecture: x64 node-oracledb version: 5.5.0 Oracle client version:

  1. Is it an error or a hang or a crash?


  1. What error(s) or behavior you are seeing?

FATAL ERROR: MarkCompactCollector: young object promotion failed Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

  1. Include a runnable Node.js script that shows the problem.
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const conf = require('./config.json');
async function runQueue () {
  const pool = await oracledb.createPool(conf); // in conf connectString, user, password, events=true
  const conn = await pool.getConnection();
  const queue = await conn.getQueue('XXI.CLIENT_OUT');
  queue.deqOptions.visibility = oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_ON_COMMIT;
  queue.deqOptions.wait = 0;

  let c = 0;
  while (c<2000){
    await queue.deqMany(1000);  //queue hasn't messages, return undefined. More maxMessages value -> larger RSS leak
    const stats = process.memoryUsage ();
    console.log ( `count: ${c}, rss: ${stats.rss} `) ;
  await conn.close();
  await pool.close(1);


count: 0, rss: 71262208 
count: 1, rss: 71585792 
count: 2, rss: 71585792 
count: 3, rss: 71852032 
count: 1989, rss: 203001856 
count: 1990, rss: 203001856 
count: 1991, rss: 203272192 
count: 1992, rss: 203542528 
count: 1993, rss: 203812864 
count: 1994, rss: 204083200 
count: 1995, rss: 204083200 
count: 1996, rss: 204083200 
count: 1997, rss: 204083200 
count: 1998, rss: 204083200 
count: 1999, rss: 204083200 
cjbj commented 1 year ago

Can you add code to create the queue and add runnable code do the enqueues, so we know what's in the queue?

boriborm commented 1 year ago

Queue is empty.

  DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE(queue_table => 'MSG_QT',queue_payload_type => 'RAW'); 
  DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE(queue_table => 'MSG_QT', queue_name => 'CLIENT_OUT);
cjbj commented 1 year ago

@pvenkatraman another task for you :)

boriborm commented 1 year ago

Maybe bug in function dpiQueue_deqMany

When it run, then numMsgProps changed to 0 (no new messages, queue is empty)

I run code below and no memory leaks

static bool njsAqQueue_deqManyAsync(njsBaton *baton)
    njsAqQueue *queue = (njsAqQueue*) baton->callingInstance;

    baton->msgProps = calloc(baton->numMsgProps, sizeof(dpiMsgProps*));

    if (!baton->msgProps)
        return njsBaton_setError(baton, errInsufficientMemory);
    if (dpiQueue_deqMany(queue->handle, &baton->numMsgProps,
            baton->msgProps) < 0)
        return njsBaton_setErrorDPI(baton);
    baton->numMsgProps = 0; // Empty queue imitation
    return true;

Script in my first post output:

count: 0, rss: 60858368 
count: 1, rss: 61128704 
count: 2, rss: 61394944 
count: 3, rss: 61394944 
count: 4, rss: 61394944 
count: 5, rss: 61394944 
count: 6, rss: 61394944 
count: 7, rss: 61394944 
count: 1994, rss: 61669376 
count: 1995, rss: 61669376 
count: 1996, rss: 61669376 
count: 1997, rss: 61669376 
count: 1998, rss: 61669376 
count: 1999, rss: 61669376 

memory usage between 60858368 and 62414848

pvenkatraman commented 1 year ago

Thanks @boriborm will take a look.

boriborm commented 1 year ago

Bug in dpiQueue__deq when numMsgProps > 1 and payload is 'RAW', then run this function

status = dpiOci__aqDeqArray(queue->conn, queue->name,
                queue->deqOptions->handle, numProps, queue->buffer.handles,
                payloadTDO, queue->buffer.instances, queue->buffer.indicators,
                queue->buffer.msgIds, error);

This function run OCI function OCIAQDeqArray :(

When i change it to

        status = dpiOci__aqDeqArray(queue->conn, queue->name,
                queue->deqOptions->handle, numProps, queue->buffer.handles,
                payloadTDO, queue->buffer.instances, queue->buffer.indicators,
                queue->buffer.msgIds, error);
  status = 0;
  *numProps = 0; // Empty queue imitation

no memory leak

pvenkatraman commented 1 year ago

Thanks, working with another team member on this issue. Will update soon.

JoshuaCEnrico commented 10 months ago

Is this problem solved in any specific version? Version less than 6 from here

sharadraju commented 10 months ago

@JoshuaCEnrico The memory profile with node-oracledb 6.x has changed slightly, because of the refactoring to use less C code in general, in addition to the newly introduced Thin mode. We will try to see if this can be reproduced in the 6.x version and get back to you.

999max commented 1 month ago

@sharadraju The issue still exist, even in the v6.5.1