oracle / node-oracledb

Oracle Database driver for Node.js maintained by Oracle Corp.
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Request: queryStream -> object or array as string #1525

Closed VegarRingdalAibel closed 1 year ago

VegarRingdalAibel commented 1 year ago

Atm I use queryStream and stream my result in batches of 50 records to client on lage datasets. To do this I have a "buffer" array I put data from stream?.on("data",.. When it have 50 records I use JSON.stringify and send it with send method expressjs have.

Normally use OracleDB.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY for applications, but also support OracleDB.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT when user expects normal json format.

If it was possible to get array or object as string right away I would probably save my nodejs instnace from doing a lot of work. Probably save memory and CPU.

So would have been very useful if we maybe get 2 more options in the outformat

Would this be possible? I assume the c code might need to work less to do this ?

cjbj commented 1 year ago

There might not be a saving, since a JS call to stringify would likely still occur - but just in the driver layer not the app layer.

Have you looked at using Oracle DB JSON functionality in the query itself?

For completeness to make sure we're talking about the same things, it would be helpful if you could share exact snippets of the data structures you want.

VegarRingdalAibel commented 1 year ago


Oracle DB JSON is not an option at the moment.

Added a small same under. But if you need to use stringify in the driver layer then there is nothing to save really. I though you built the string in the driver c code and used v8/nodejs parse it, to give us the objects/array, if so it would be a lot to save.

        let buffer: any[] = [];
        const maxSize = 50;

        const stream = connection.queryStream(sqlString, sqlBindings, {
            outFormat: OracleDB.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY

        stream?.on("data", function (data: any) {

            // now I get array : ['somedata1', 'somedata1', 'somedata1', 'somedata1', 1,false, null]
            // but if I got stringfied array '["somedata1","somedata1","somedata1","somedata1",1,false,null]'
            // It would save my from using JSON stringify, I would just build up a string and send it.

            if (buffer.length > maxSize) {
                buffer = [];
cjbj commented 1 year ago

With the general direction heading to a pure JS driver implementation, there are no plans to use Node-API C code functionality for JSON. The solutions for getting JSON in apps are to use the Oracle DB JSON type or to stringify in the application, possibly with a node-oracledb 6.0 fetch type handler converted if that makes calling JSON.stringify() more convenient for the architecture.