oracle / oci-ansible-collection

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ansible Collection provides an easy way to provision and manage resources in Oracle Cloud using Ansible.
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Tenant has been throttled. Too Many Requests. #191

Closed hecnavsanz closed 1 year ago

hecnavsanz commented 1 year ago

Issue Report

"Tenant has been throttled. Too Many Requests." error message when using oracle.oci.oci_identity_tag to delete multiple tags.

Describe the issue

Trying to delete multiple tags in a list (with_items) sequentially (wait: yes) gives this error above. Running ansible with -vvv seems to not wait so maybe this is why the request limit is reached due to too many tag deletes. Deleting a tag could take up to 10 mins so (wait_timeout:9000) is used.

Expected behavior

For each tag in a list should wait until is DELETED with "wait: yes" but it doesn't seem to.


ansible [core 2.13.7] config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = ['/home/oracle/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /home/oracle/oci-ansible-venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible ansible collection location = /home/oracle/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections executable location = /home/oracle/oci-ansible-venv/bin/ansible python version = 3.8.10 (default, Nov 14 2022, 12:59:47) [GCC 9.4.0] jinja version = 3.1.2 libyaml = True


Collection Version 3.5.0 ansible.netcommon 3.1.3 ansible.posix 1.4.0 ansible.utils 2.8.0 1.12.0 arista.eos 5.0.1 awx.awx 21.10.0 azure.azcollection 1.14.0 check_point.mgmt 2.3.0 chocolatey.chocolatey 1.3.1 cisco.aci 2.3.0 cisco.asa 3.1.0 cisco.dnac 6.6.1 cisco.intersight 1.0.22 cisco.ios 3.3.2 cisco.iosxr 3.3.1 cisco.ise 2.5.9 cisco.meraki 2.13.0 cisco.mso 2.1.0 cisco.nso 1.0.3 cisco.nxos 3.2.0 cisco.ucs 1.8.0 cloud.common 2.1.2 2.2.3 3.6.0 1.1.0 community.ciscosmb 1.0.5 community.crypto 2.9.0 community.digitalocean 1.22.0 community.dns 2.4.2 community.docker 2.7.3 community.fortios 1.0.0 community.general 5.8.3 1.0.0 community.grafana 1.5.3 community.hashi_vault 3.4.0 community.hrobot 1.6.0 community.libvirt 1.2.0 community.mongodb 1.4.2 community.mysql 3.5.1 4.0.2 community.okd 2.2.0 community.postgresql 2.3.1 community.proxysql 1.4.0 community.rabbitmq 1.2.3 community.routeros 2.5.0 1.0.0 community.sap_libs 1.4.0 community.skydive 1.0.0 community.sops 1.5.0 community.vmware 2.10.2 1.11.1 community.zabbix 1.9.0 containers.podman 1.10.1 cyberark.conjur 1.2.0 cyberark.pas 1.0.14 dellemc.enterprise_sonic 1.1.2 dellemc.openmanage 5.5.0 dellemc.os10 1.1.1 dellemc.os6 1.0.7 dellemc.os9 1.0.4 f5networks.f5_modules 1.21.0 fortinet.fortimanager 2.1.7 fortinet.fortios 2.2.1 frr.frr 2.0.0 gluster.gluster 1.0.2 1.0.2 hetzner.hcloud 1.9.0 hpe.nimble 1.1.4 ibm.qradar 2.1.0 ibm.spectrum_virtualize 1.10.0 infinidat.infinibox 1.3.12 infoblox.nios_modules 1.4.1 inspur.ispim 1.2.0 2.3.0 junipernetworks.junos 3.1.0 kubernetes.core 2.3.2 lowlydba.sqlserver 1.2.0 mellanox.onyx 1.0.0 21.7.0 21.10.0 netapp.cloudmanager 21.21.0 netapp.elementsw 21.7.0 netapp.ontap 21.24.1 netapp.storagegrid 21.11.1 netapp.um_info 21.8.0 netapp_eseries.santricity 1.3.1 netbox.netbox 3.9.0 ngine_io.cloudstack 2.3.0 ngine_io.exoscale 1.0.0 ngine_io.vultr 1.1.2 1.10.0 openvswitch.openvswitch 2.1.0 ovirt.ovirt 2.4.1 purestorage.flasharray 1.15.0 purestorage.flashblade 1.10.0 purestorage.fusion 1.2.0 sensu.sensu_go 1.13.1 servicenow.servicenow 1.0.6 2.1.0 t_systems_mms.icinga_director 1.31.4 theforeman.foreman 3.7.0 vmware.vmware_rest 2.2.0 1.3.1 vyos.vyos 3.0.1 wti.remote 1.0.4

Ansible playbook to reproduce the issue

where ...


nikhiban commented 1 year ago

@hecnavsanz Thanks for reporting this. We are checking and will get back to you.

dineshsuthar786 commented 1 year ago

@hecnavsanz We have added a fix for this in latest release v4.6.0. Kindly check and let us know if you still face the issue.

hecnavsanz commented 1 year ago

@dineshsuthar786 I can confirm it's working fine now .. thanks for the update.


TASK [lab-01 : delete tags] ****************************************************************************
changed: [oci-cert] => (item=lab) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "item": "lab", "tag": {"compartment_id": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "defined_tags": {"Oracle-Tags": {"CreatedBy": "default/", "CreatedOn": "2022-12-24T13:25:37.052Z"}}, "description": "lab", "freeform_tags": {}, "id": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "is_cost_tracking": false, "is_retired": true, "lifecycle_state": "DELETED", "name": "lab", "tag_namespace_id": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "tag_namespace_name": "ansible-tn", "time_created": "2022-12-24T13:25:37.108000+00:00", "validator": null}}
changed: [oci-cert] => (item=rsrc) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "item": "rsrc", "tag": {"compartment_id": "xxxxxxxxxx", "defined_tags": {"Oracle-Tags": {"CreatedBy": "default/", "CreatedOn": "2022-12-24T13:25:38.737Z"}}, "description": "rsrc", "freeform_tags": {}, "id": "xxxxxxxxxx", "is_cost_tracking": false, "is_retired": true, "lifecycle_state": "DELETED", "name": "rsrc", "tag_namespace_id": "xxxxxxxxxx", "tag_namespace_name": "ansible-tn", "time_created": "2022-12-24T13:25:38.793000+00:00", "validator": null}}

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************
oci-cert                   : ok=9    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0