oracle / oci-java-sdk

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK for Java
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Cannot redefine service '%s'. Existing: '%s', New: '%s' #564

Open gandra opened 6 months ago

gandra commented 6 months ago

I am trying to instantiate 2 SubscriptionClient one from package and another one from package in different places inside same springbooot app and getting error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot redefine service 'SUBSCRIPTION'. Existing: 'Services.BasicService(serviceName=SUBSCRIPTION, serviceEndpointPrefix=, serviceEndpointTemplate=https://organizations.{region}.oci.{secondLevelDomain}, endpointServiceName=null)', New: 'Services.BasicService(serviceName=SUBSCRIPTION, serviceEndpointPrefix=, serviceEndpointTemplate=https://identity.{region}.oci.{secondLevelDomain}, endpointServiceName=null)'

Here is instance 1:

try( subscriptionClient = SubscriptionClient.builder().region(provider.getRegion()).build(provider))  {
   ListSubscriptionsResponse listSubscriptionsResponse = subscriptionClient.listSubscriptions(listSubscriptionsRequest);

instance 2:

try( subscriptionClient =  {

Here is debug screenshot with root cause:
image has static cache:

private static final Map<String, Service> SERVICE_CACHE = new HashMap<>();

which prevents instantiating different clients with same service name ... any idea how to fix this?