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New-OCIPsqlDbSystem - Fail to create #179

Closed wadeppeterson closed 7 months ago

wadeppeterson commented 7 months ago

I'm attempting to script the creation of new PostgreSQL systems but running into issues. The request seems to be accepted by the API and a work request is created but they end up failing to create. Creating Postgres via the OCI console with the same settings works correctly so I believe I am passing something in the request that is causing the behavior. I opened an OCI SR to look at the creation error but was hoping to have you validate that I am using this module correctly.

Below is a slimmed down version of the code being used with comments showing what is present in each object.

$PGCreateDbObj = New-Object -TypeName Oci.PsqlService.Models.CreateDbSystemDetails
    $PGCreateDbObj.DisplayName = 'TestPostgres' 
    $PGCreateDbObj.Description = 'TestPostgres Description'
    $PGCreateDbObj.CompartmentId = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaREDACTED'
    $PGCreateDbObj.SystemType = 'OCIOPTIMIZEDSTORAGE' 
    $PGCreateDbObj.DbVersion = '14'
    $PGCreateDbObj.Shape = 'PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.2.32GB'    
    $PGCreateDbObj.InstanceCount = '2' 

    $PGStorageDetailsObj = New-Object -TypeName Oci.PsqlService.Models.OciOptimizedStorageDetails
    $PgStorageDetailsObj.IsRegionallyDurable = 'true' 
    $PGStorageDetailsObj.Iops = '300000'
    $PGCreateDbObj.StorageDetails = $PGStorageDetailsObj

    $PGCredentialsObj = New-Object -TypeName Oci.PsqlService.Models.Credentials
    $PGCredentialsObj.Username = 'PostgresAdmin' 
    $PGVaultSecretObj = New-Object -TypeName Oci.PsqlService.Models.VaultSecretPasswordDetails
    $PGVaultSecretObj.SecretId = 'ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaREDACTED'
    $PGVaultSecretObj.SecretVersion = '1'
    $PGCredentialsObj.PasswordDetails = $PGVaultSecretObj  
    $PGCreateDbObj.Credentials = $PGCredentialsObj

    $PGNetworkDetailsObj = New-Object -TypeName Oci.PsqlService.Models.NetworkDetails
    $PGNetworkDetailsObj.SubnetID = 'ocid1.subnet.oc1.iad.aaaREDACTED' 
    $PGCreateDbObj.NetworkDetails = $PGNetworkDetailsObj

    $PGMgmtPolicyDetObj = New-Object -TypeName Oci.PsqlService.Models.ManagementPolicyDetails
    $PGMgmtPolicyDetObj.MaintenanceWindowStart ='SUN 01:00' 

    $PGBackupDailyPolicyObj = New-Object -TypeName Oci.PsqlService.Models.DailyBackupPolicy
    $PGBackupDailyPolicyObj.BackupStart = '00:00'
    $PGBackupDailyPolicyObj.RetentionDays = '14'
    $PGMgmtPolicyDetObj.BackupPolicy = $PGBackupDailyPolicyObj
    $PGCreateDbObj.ManagementPolicy = $PGMgmtPolicyDetObj

    Example of output of what PGCreateDBObj looks like before making the call
DisplayName             : TestPostgres
Description             : TestPostgres Description
CompartmentId           : ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaREDACTEDOCID
SystemType              : OciOptimizedStorage
DbVersion               : 14
ConfigId                :
StorageDetails          : Oci.PsqlService.Models.OciOptimizedStorageDetails
Shape                   : PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.2.32GB
InstanceOcpuCount       :
InstanceMemorySizeInGBs :
InstanceCount           : 2
InstancesDetails        :
Credentials             : Oci.PsqlService.Models.Credentials
NetworkDetails          : Oci.PsqlService.Models.NetworkDetails
ManagementPolicy        : Oci.PsqlService.Models.ManagementPolicyDetails
Source                  :
FreeformTags            :
DefinedTags             :

    $PGCreateOutput = New-OCIPsqlDbSystem -CreateDbSystemDetails $PGCreateDbObj -Auth InstancePrincipal 

    Example output after call showing its in CREATING state.

    Id                      : ocid1.postgresqldbsystem.oc1.iad.amaaREDACTEDOCID
DisplayName             : TestPostgres
Description             : TestPostgres Description
CompartmentId           : ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaREDACTEDOCID
TimeCreated             : 2/21/2024 3:28:38 PM
TimeUpdated             : 2/21/2024 3:28:38 PM
LifecycleState          : Creating
LifecycleDetails        : CREATING
AdminUsername           : PostgresAdmin
FreeformTags            : {}
DefinedTags             : {[Oracle-Tags, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]]}
SystemTags              : {}
SystemType              : OciOptimizedStorage
DbVersion               : 14
ConfigId                : ocid1.postgresqldefaultconfiguration.oc1.iad.amaaaaREDACTEDOCID
Shape                   : VM.Standard.E4.Flex
InstanceOcpuCount       : 2
InstanceMemorySizeInGBs : 32
InstanceCount           : 2
Instances               : {bd3c594b-2f60-4fc9-bee0-878fa639afc2, 3dba5d0c-1028-4b4b-a289-d38e27cfb425}
StorageDetails          : Oci.PsqlService.Models.OciOptimizedStorageDetails
NetworkDetails          : Oci.PsqlService.Models.NetworkDetails
ManagementPolicy        : Oci.PsqlService.Models.ManagementPolicy
Source                  :


    After around 5 minutes the workrequest fails and this error is in the Console on the workrequest:

    Error occurred when executing CREATE_DBSYSTEM workflow: Error returned by CreatePrivateEndpoint operation in VirtualNetwork service.(400, InvalidParameter, false) 
    invalid Network Resource Group OCID: OCID doesn't match expected pattern or contains invalid characters. 
    (opc-request-id: /REDACTED) Timestamp: 2024-02-21T15:33:45.446Z Client version: 
    Oracle-JavaSDK/2.66.1 Request Endpoint: Troubleshooting Tips: 
    See for more information about resolving this error 
    Also see for details on this operation's requirements. 
    To get more info on the failing request, you can enable debug level logs as mentioned in `Using SLF4J for Logging section` in If you are unable to resolve this VirtualNetwork issue, 
    please contact Oracle support and provide them this full error message.

wadeppeterson commented 7 months ago

The OCI SR identified that a empty string and not a NULL was being sent for the NSGIds on Oci.PsqlService.Models.NetworkDetails which caused the create call to succeed but the work request ended up failing to create the instance. That property needs to be a Null or a valid OCID. Sending a null corrected the issue and I was able to create the instance normally.