oracle / oracle-database-operator

The Oracle Database Operator for Kubernetes (a.k.a. OraOperator) helps developers, DBAs, DevOps and GitOps teams reduce the time and complexity of deploying and managing Oracle Databases. It eliminates the dependency on a human operator or administrator for the majority of database operations.
Universal Permissive License v1.0
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Multitenant: Usecase 3: Why is secret db-ca and db-tls created in the oprtator namespace? #128

Closed rbaumgar closed 1 month ago

rbaumgar commented 2 months ago


I am not able to find any reference from the operator to the secrets db-ca and db-tls. Please clarify and document.

mmalvezz commented 1 month ago

We will remove line 207 and 208 from usecase03 makefile in the next few days

202 tlssecret:
207         $(KUBECTL) create secret tls db-tls --key="$(SKEY)" --cert="$(SCRT)"  -n $(OPR_NAMESPACE)
208         $(KUBECTL) create secret generic db-ca --from-file="$(CART)"  -n $(OPR_NAMESPACE)