oracle / oracle-database-operator

The Oracle Database Operator for Kubernetes (a.k.a. OraOperator) helps developers, DBAs, DevOps and GitOps teams reduce the time and complexity of deploying and managing Oracle Databases. It eliminates the dependency on a human operator or administrator for the majority of database operations.
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OracleRestDataService does not work with more recent versions of ORDS #82

Open ilfur opened 5 months ago

ilfur commented 5 months ago

Its a problem with the SIDB part of OraOperator. I was only able to run specific ORDS container versions up to about 21.x as a OracleRestDataService resource. Using newer versions of ORDS (like the recent ORDS 23.3) fails, the ORDS container only gets to an error message complaining about config files. I believe the path structure has changed a bit inside ORDS, the "config" directory may have been renamed to "databases". Please make OracleRestDataService work with more recent versions of ORDS images.

Best regards! Marcel

peter6667 commented 1 month ago

I've managed to get it working up to version 23.4.0 by changing one line in Any newer version (namely 24.x) has breaking API changes and should not work with current implementation (at least so far it has always returned ORDS ERROR, so I've decided to just wait for newer operator release that explicitly supports it).

I've changed this line: NOT_INSTALLED=`$ORDS --config $CONFIG config list | grep "INFO: The" |wc -l ` Into this line: NOT_INSTALLED=`$ORDS --config $CONFIG config list 2>&1 | grep "INFO: The" | wc -l `

Without redirected output (2>&1) grep & wc -l always returned 0, thus never creating configuration for ords.