oracle / oracle-r2dbc

R2DBC Driver for Oracle Database
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option(OracleR2dbcOptions.TLS_SERVER_DN_MATCH, "false") does not work #102

Closed sourabhdug closed 1 year ago

sourabhdug commented 1 year ago
                .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.DRIVER, "oracle")
                .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.HOST, HOST)
                .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.PORT, 1569)
                .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.DATABASE, SERVICE_NAME)
                .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.USER, "...")
                .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.PASSWORD, "....")
                .option(OracleR2dbcOptions.TLS_SERVER_DN_MATCH, "false")

                // To configure a TCPS/SSL/TLS enabled ConnectionFactory, set the SSL
                // option to true, and then specify the path to a wallet location...
                .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.SSL, true)

     return Mono.from(

Above results in an error of the following trace

 "timestamp": "2022-11-03T01:02:06,211Z",
 "level": "ERROR",
 "thread": "ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5",
 "message": "Operator called default onErrorDropped",
 "logger": "reactor.core.publisher.Operators",
 "throwable": {
  "class": "reactor.core.Exceptions$ErrorCallbackNotImplemented",
  "msg": "io.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcTransientResourceException: [17002] [08006] IO Error: Mismatch with the server cert DN. (CONNECTION_ID=....)",
  "cause": {
   "class": "io.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcTransientResourceException",
   "msg": "IO Error: Mismatch with the server cert DN. (CONNECTION_ID=......)",
   "stack": [

however adding

                .option(OracleR2dbcOptions.TLS_SERVER_CERT_DN, "....")

with expected DN causes the query and connection to succeed!


  implementation 'io.r2dbc:r2dbc-spi:1.0.0.RELEASE'
    implementation ""
    implementation ""

Oracle Version

Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
Michael-A-McMahon commented 1 year ago

Thank you for showing me this. It definitely looks like a bug :( I'll have time to debug tomorrow. I'll update once I learn more...

Michael-A-McMahon commented 1 year ago

I've found the root cause: Oracle JDBC enables DN matching by default when using a URL of the form: jdbc:oracle:thin:@tcps:... Oracle R2DBC uses this form of URL when ConnectionFactoryOptions.SSL is set to true.

In Oracle R2DBC 1.0.0, we can work around this by configuring a descriptor with PROTOCOL=TCPS:

    ConnectionFactoryOptions options =
        .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.DRIVER, "oracle")
          "(DESCRIPTION=" +
            "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(" +
        .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.USER, "...")
        .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.PASSWORD, "...")

For the next release, I will fix this so that we don't need the work around.

sourabhdug commented 1 year ago

Thank you @Michael-A-McMahon I will try the work around, that would be definitely better than having to specify the entire DN!