oracle / python-oracledb

Python driver for Oracle Database conforming to the Python DB API 2.0 specification. This is the renamed, new major release of cx_Oracle
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Get ORA-01460 when passing boolean in procedure parameter #354

Closed Miqy closed 3 months ago

Miqy commented 3 months ago
  1. What versions are you using?

oracledb==2.2.1 Oracle database server 12.1 Oracle instant client

I have python code:

from some_module_with_db_connection import db
import oracledb
with db.engine.raw_connection().cursor() as cursor:
    cursor.callfunc("test_bool_insert", int, keyword_parameters={'d': True})

In the Oracle database i have function

, d boolean default false

Then i got stacktrace:

File /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/oracledb/, in Cursor.callfunc(self, name, return_type, parameters, keyword_parameters, keywordParameters)
    617         errors._raise_err(
    618             errors.ERR_DUPLICATED_PARAMETER,
    619             deprecated_name="keywordParameters",
    620             new_name="keyword_parameters",
    621         )
    622     keyword_parameters = keywordParameters
--> 623 self._call(name, parameters, keyword_parameters, var)
    624 return var.getvalue()

File /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/oracledb/, in BaseCursor._call(self, name, parameters, keyword_parameters, return_value)
    111 statement_parts.append("); end;")
    112 statement = "".join(statement_parts)
--> 113 return self.execute(statement, bind_values)

File /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/oracledb/, in Cursor.execute(self, statement, parameters, **keyword_parameters)
    699 self._prepare_for_execute(statement, parameters, keyword_parameters)
    700 impl = self._impl
--> 701 impl.execute(self)
    702 if impl.fetch_vars is not None:
    703     return self

File src/oracledb/impl/thick/cursor.pyx:306, in oracledb.thick_impl.ThickCursorImpl.execute()

File src/oracledb/impl/thick/utils.pyx:456, in oracledb.thick_impl._raise_from_odpi()

File src/oracledb/impl/thick/utils.pyx:446, in oracledb.thick_impl._raise_from_info()

DatabaseError: ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested

Any suggestions?

cjbj commented 3 months ago

Your testcase runs fine with 23ai Oracle Client & Database.

In the old days, I used to recommend not using BOOLEAN in language drivers until Oracle Database 12.2. I recall Oracle bug 21660729 which was fixed in 12.2 (and doesn't look like it was backported to 12.1). That bug was really about interop between big & little endian client & server. But there may have been other issues.

anthony-tuininga commented 3 months ago

As Chris mentioned, this is a known mismatch between the Oracle Client libraries and the database which is not going to be repaired at this stage! You can do this until you are able to upgrade your database:

var = cursor.var(int)
        :1 := test_bool_insert(:2 = 1);
    [var, 1])
result = var.getvalue()

If you have a variable that contains a boolean you can use int(value) to convert it to an integer for passing to the database.

You could also try thin mode. I don't recall whether thin mode supports this correctly or not. Since it never worked in thick mode I don't know whether we tried it or not and I don't have ready access to such an old database. Upgrade when you can!

Miqy commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your code. It works, but I resolved the issue by replacing the boolean function parameter with an integer parameter (0 and 1).

anthony-tuininga commented 3 months ago

Yep. That works, too. :-)