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Please add ability to prevent update of the VBoxGuestExtensions #511

Closed ToontjeM closed 3 weeks ago

ToontjeM commented 3 weeks ago

Updating VBoxGuestExtensions takes time and is in most cases not needed. Adding the following code snippet to the Vagrantfiles gives the user the ability to prevent these time-consuming updates.

if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest") then
    config.vbguest.auto_update = false

Of course, the user needs to have the vagrant-vbguest plugin installed.

AmedeeBulle commented 3 weeks ago

Why are you using the vagrant-vbguest plugin if you don't want the guest additions to be updated?

ToontjeM commented 3 weeks ago

For some VM's i do, for some don't. Using the plugin allows me to define this in the Vagrantfile.

AmedeeBulle commented 3 weeks ago

We assume that the majority of users who install this plugin want to get the guest additions updated. It would be counter productive to disable it by default.

As you suggest, if one really wants to disable it, they can can add that snippet of code in their Vangrantfile.