orangecoding / fredy

:heart: Fredy - [F]ind [R]eal [E]states [D]amn Eas[y] - Fredy will constantly search for new listings on sites like Immoscout or Immowelt and send new results to you, so that you can focus on more important things in life ;)
MIT License
209 stars 54 forks source link

Suggestions to improve the README information #66

Closed vanHekthor closed 1 year ago

vanHekthor commented 1 year ago

2 changes that I think would make it easier for users and developers to understand Fredy:

1. Fix the mix-up of providers and adapters

The descriptions of providers and adapters seem to have been mixed up. When comparing them to the project structure (the adapter and provider folders), it clearly is supposed to be the other way around. It is also stated the other way around in the

2. Provide commands for development

The following section is a bit confusing in my opinion:

To run Fredy in development mode, you need to run the backend & frontend separately. Run the backend in your favorite IDE, the frontend can be started from the terminal.

The way it is phrased implies that you need an IDE to run the backend whereas the frontend can be started only using the terminal. Just providing the 2 commands (yarn run start and yarn run dev) for running the backend and the frontend may be more straightforward.

orangecoding commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks :)