orangeduck / Cello

Higher level programming in C
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Data structures need improvement #25

Closed jart closed 11 years ago

jart commented 11 years ago

Hey I noticed some data structures have room for improvement. Can we do something about that?

orangeduck commented 11 years ago


Any contributions to improve the basic data structures would be more than welcome! As you probably know this is just a creative fun project made in my spare time. Your criticisms over the data structures are correct and I was aware of the issues but I didn't really have the time or will to make the improvements yet.

Anyway, I see you've found a way dismiss this project and class it as a waste of time. I suspect you'd think the same about me writing Brainfuck in the C preprocessor. I guess we must just program for different reasons.

But no I wont feel bad for writing it. And I'll continue to do what I want, making interesting and creative projects.

jart commented 11 years ago

If you're not interested in fixing this issue, then I kindly ask that you insert a disclaimer.

jart commented 11 years ago


aatxe commented 11 years ago

Wow, @jart. This is a grossly inappropriate way of dealing with another person. You featured countless personal attacks all because he made a library and open sourced it. Guess what? It's open source. If you're so proud of your endless stream of ability, go ahead and improve this yourself. Fix some of the issues @orangeduck doesn't have time for. It's not production-ready software and that's okay, but what isn't okay are the things you just said in this issue report. What you wrote in that last paragraph is an abomination and you should feel bad for writing it.

philpraxis commented 11 years ago

jart, i'm shocked by the harshness of your comments. Time for a selfcheck i guess ;-) If not, GOTO 10, you're perfect, forget about my comment or this lib or anything that doesn't fit your perfect world...

OrangeDuck: I'll be happily fixing and patching this as I can, keep up the good spirit!

joequery commented 11 years ago

Props to @jart for being the perfect model for exactly how a programmer shouldn't act. I love your "you need more self confidence" recommendation from about the same time this was made. Hmm...I wonder why programmers might not be so confident in the face of such needless hostility...

jart commented 11 years ago

It's ok—I'm just mean to make myself feel less insecure about mine own lack of skill.

I'm glad to see that development on this project has pretty much ceased in the two months I've been gone. I'm sure you're all working on fabulous things now that are going to help the world rather than hurt it.

aatxe commented 11 years ago

@jart, I find it immensely difficult to discern whether or not you're being genuine or just caustically sarcastic. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though and assume the former. Everything is happier that way.

jart commented 11 years ago

[Foolish commentary redacted]

orangeduck commented 11 years ago

They'll probably just commit a patch fixing it, rather than writing snarky issues.