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OrangeHRM is a comprehensive Human Resource Management (HRM) System that captures all the essential functionalities required for any enterprise.
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Upgrading from OrangeHRM 4.x to 5.x #1373

Open jameswill opened 1 year ago

jameswill commented 1 year ago


I just wanted to confirm if OrangeHRM 5.x supports upgrade from 4.x ? As I don't find any documentation related to this topic.

If it supports can anyone please share the links to documents ?

RajithaKumara commented 1 year ago

Hi @jameswill, Yes. OrangeHRM upgrader do support.

frapie commented 1 year ago

be careful as you can't increase the attachment size yet as you could in 4.X. this is holding us up, any customisation will need to be redone but the install update web section worked without issues for us on our dev environment. FYI it is a small database compared to our live environment which we are not doing until the attachment size is fixed. some of the admin modules are not completed and coming soon as well.

jameswill commented 1 year ago

Hi @jameswill, Yes. OrangeHRM upgrader do support.

Hi @RajithaKumara ,

Can you please share the upgrade documentation link for step by step guide to upgrade as there is no such documentation I found on the website.

Also I have downloaded the package from Sourceforge and /lib/confs/sysConf.php file contains version as "5.0-beta" "$this->version = '5.0-beta';" (line no. 30)

Can you please confirm if this is a stable release or not ? if it's stable let me know if I have downloaded the correct package from sourceforge ?

If not, from where I can get the stable package ?

jameswill commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to follow up on this.

RajithaKumara commented 1 year ago

Hi @jameswill Thanks for pointing out the "$this->version = '5.0-beta';". This file /lib/confs/sysConf.php is deprecated and going to remove in next version. I can confirm the release you are pointing is stable 5.0.

Currently, we don't have full documentation for OrangeHRM 5.x version. But it similler as 4.x

jameswill commented 1 year ago


Thank you for the confirmation.

Currently, we don't have full documentation for OrangeHRM 5.x version. But it similler as 4.x

This is possible in the case when user is upgrading 5.0 to 5.1 if a user wants to migrate/upgrade it's 4.x installation to 5.x it can not do that because there are a lot of structural difference between 4.x and 5.x And as the migration docs are not provided I am unable to perform the same. It would be helpful if you can provide the docs on the same.

Also I have seen "Dashboard", "Buzz" modules as "Lanuching soon" If certain functionality are yet to be launch, is this release is stable enough ?


RajithaKumara commented 1 year ago

Hi @jameswill , We are actively working on our 5.x development. Will try to publish upgrade guide ASAP. When it comes to the product stability, we have tested all released features. Whatever the pending features, warned in upgrader. If you are really using Dashboard and Buzz, you may have to wait for next releases.

KavindaK7 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jameswill, The OrangeHRM Starter Upgrade manual is available here.

jameswill commented 1 year ago

Is this the same guide for migration from 4.x as well ?

Earlier we used to run upgrade script using /upgrader/web/index.php which is not present in 5.x package. Do we need to run upgrade script at /installer/

jameswill commented 1 year ago

Also the structure for both the packages are totally different Do we need to overwrite the new package or should we delete all the old directories and upload a fresh 5.x package and run the installer to upgrade ?

RajithaKumara commented 1 year ago

Also the structure for both the packages are totally different Do we need to overwrite the new package or should we delete all the old directories and upload a fresh 5.x package and run the installer to upgrade ?

yes. you have to delete old orangehrm directory (make sure to backup it before delete), and extract latest 5.1 ZIP. Open index. php, installer/index. php from the browser.

jameswill commented 1 year ago


It seems the upgrade is working fine. However the last step "Launch OrangeHRM" button is not working. When I click on "Launch OrangeHRM" button after successfully completing the installation It redirects to /installer and gives the following error.

The page isn’t redirecting properly

Refer the following images.



What could be the issue ?

RajithaKumara commented 1 year ago

Hi @jameswill , can you directly access the login page and see,

jameswill commented 1 year ago

HI @RajithaKumara ,

Yes. If I explicitely access url then this works. But it should work when I click on "Launch OrangeHRM" button.