First of all, thank you for making a plugin that does not rely on third party services for image manipulation!
Would it be possible to support using graphicsmagick as an alternative to the imagemagick command-line option?
A few advantages of graphicsmagick over imagemagick from their homepage:
GM is more efficient than ImageMagick so it gets the job done faster using fewer resources.
GM is much smaller and lighter than ImageMagick (3-5X smaller installation footprint).
GM supports classic ImageMagick interfaces such as 'convert' whereas ImageMagick has now removed them.
GM has been used to process billions of files at the world's largest photo sites (e.g. Flickr and Etsy).
GM does not conflict with other installed software.
GM suffers from fewer security issues and exploits than ImageMagick.
GM participates in Google's oss-fuzz project (since February, 2018).
GM valgrind's 100% clean (memcheck and helgrind).
GM passes rigorous memory error testing using ASan.
GM passes undefined behavior testing using UBSan.
GM comes with a comprehensive manual page.
GM provides API and ABI stability and managed releases that you can count on (ImageMagick does not).
GM provides detailed yet comprehensible ChangeLog and NEWS files (ImageMagick does not).
GM is available for free, and may be used to support both open and proprietary applications.
GM is distributed under an X11-style license (MIT License), approved by the Open Source Initiative, recommended for use by the OSSCC, and compatible with the GNU GPL.
GM source code is managed in Mercurial, a distributed source control management tool which supports management of local changes. The repository history goes back to 1998.
GM has 0.00 (zero) defects per 1000 lines of code (352,673 total lines included) according to Coverity Analysis Metrics on July 26th, 2024.
GM developers contribute to other free projects for the public good.
First of all, thank you for making a plugin that does not rely on third party services for image manipulation!
Would it be possible to support using graphicsmagick as an alternative to the imagemagick command-line option?
A few advantages of graphicsmagick over imagemagick from their homepage: