orangepi-xunlong / wiringOP-Python

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OrangePi Zero 3 wiringpi.wiringPiISR() is Fail #18

Open winitboonkliang opened 7 months ago

winitboonkliang commented 7 months ago

OrangePi Zero 3 2G RAM Model Linux orangepizero3 5.4.125 #1.0.0 SMP Fri Jun 30 11:59:12 CST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Step install wiringOP-Python with python3.9.2

git clone --recursive -b next cd wiringOP-Python git submodule update --init --remote

python3 > bindings.i sudo python3 install

code python3

import wiringpi PIN_TO_SENSE = 5 def gpio_callback(): print("GPIO_CALLBACK!")

wiringpi.wiringPiSetupGpio() # case 1

wiringpi.wiringPiSetup() # case 2 wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_TO_SENSE, wiringpi.GPIO.INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(PIN_TO_SENSE, wiringpi.GPIO.PUD_UP)

wiringpi.wiringPiISR(PIN_TO_SENSE, wiringpi.GPIO.INT_EDGE_BOTH, gpio_callback)

while True: wiringpi.delay(2000)


case 1 used wiringpi.wiringPiSetupGpio()
sudo python3 wiringOP-Python/examples/ Pin mode failed!

case 2 used wiringpi.wiringPiSetup() wiringPiISR: unable to open /sys/class/gpio/gpio70/value: No such file or directory

faab-dev commented 7 months ago

Orange Pi Zero 2 ls -la /sys/class/gpio/* #before run python script Result: --w-rw---- 1 root gpio 4096 Feb 2 04:17 /sys/class/gpio/export lrwxrwxrwx 1 root gpio 0 Feb 2 04:17 /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip0 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/300b000.pinctrl/gpio/gpiochip0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root gpio 0 Feb 2 04:17 /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip352 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/7022000.pinctrl/gpio/gpiochip352 --w-rw---- 1 root gpio 4096 Feb 2 04:17 /sys/class/gpio/unexport

import time
import socketio
import wiringpi
import time
import sys
from wiringpi import GPIO

def gpio_callback():
    print ("GPIO_CALLBACK!")


PIN_IN = 10
wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_OUTPUT, GPIO.OUTPUT)
wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_IN, GPIO.INPUT)
wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(PIN_IN, GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
wiringpi.wiringPiISR(PIN_IN, GPIO.INT_EDGE_BOTH, gpio_callback)

Result: gpio: Unable to open GPIO edge interface for pin 10: Permission denied

ls -la /sys/class/gpio/* #after run python script Result: --w-rw---- 1 root gpio 4096 Feb 2 05:27 /sys/class/gpio/export lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 2 05:27 /sys/class/gpio/gpio10 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/300b000.pinctrl/gpiochip0/gpio/gpio10 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root gpio 0 Feb 2 04:17 /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip0 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/300b000.pinctrl/gpio/gpiochip0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root gpio 0 Feb 2 04:17 /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip352 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/7022000.pinctrl/gpio/gpiochip352 --w-rw---- 1 root gpio 4096 Feb 2 04:17 /sys/class/gpio/unexport

Problem: gpio_callback does not working

sanj3k commented 4 months ago

Hi, it seems we both have the same issue. Did you somehow got it fixed?

haojiawei111 commented 1 month ago
