orangethewell / open-witness-library

Open source bible study program on Linux!
MIT License
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Add Markup Functionality #2

Open livrasand opened 10 months ago

livrasand commented 10 months ago

Hello friend, I would like to help you with the implementation of text markup. Below I'll provide a simplified example of how you can approach this functionality in your project. Please note that this is a conceptual example.

First, here's a general approach to how you might implement the text markup functionality and save the markup:

1. User Interface:

2. Dialing Logic:

3. Marking Storage:

4. Upload Marking:

Here's a simplified example of how you might structure the code:

// En el código Kotlin (app/src/main/kotlin/...):

// Almacenamiento de marcadores
val markersJsonFile = File("markers.json")

fun saveMarker(selectionRange: String, markedText: String) {
    val markers = loadMarkers()
    markers[selectionRange] = markedText

fun loadMarkers(): MutableMap<String, String> {
    if (markersJsonFile.exists()) {
        val markersJson = markersJsonFile.readText()
        return Json.decodeFromString(markersJson)
    return mutableMapOf()

Keep in mind that you will have to adapt it to the structure of the "Open Witness Library" project.

orangethewell commented 10 months ago

Ooh, thank you for this! I will keep an eye on your suggestion. But there's a worry for making open witness library compatible with JW Library markups, since the backup file export markups too.

I don't know for now if I will add a new approach or try to decode the backup file approach (with seems to be very simple and optimized)

Anyway, thank you for this, I will assign a branch for this soon! 😄